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The battle between us and the Volturi ended that cold, snowy December night. In the last 5 months, Jasper and I have been focusing on raising our little girl, while also planning for our wedding. The milestone event that we set for June 3, 2007, less than a month away from today. In fact, since today's May 14th, Jasper and I will be getting married in exactly 2.5 weeks...18 days.

To say I'm excited is an understatement. To say I'm nervous would be a lie. Not a huge lie, but still a little lie. I'm kind of nervous. Not because I'm getting married. I'd never be nervous about that. Especially considering I'm finally marrying the love of my life. I'm just a little nervous because...well...who isn't a bit nervous when it comes to taking such a huge step in life.

Although...if I'm going to be completely honest, the wedding is just to make things legal and official. Jasper and I already see each other as husband and wife. We live together. We have a child, our sweet little Charlotte, together. The last thing we need to do is just make it official. Which is why we're going to the Clallam County Auditor's Office over in Port Angeles to apply for our marriage license.

Getting this is also the last step we need to do in order to proceed with the ceremony. We've got everything else figured out. The location, which is just going to be in the Cullen's backyard, is pretty much similar to how Edward and Bella had their wedding. The minister performing the ceremony is Billy. Paul spent a good 15 minutes helping him get ordained online through this Universal Life Church organization that lets people become ordained ministers.

I asked my dad to walk me down the aisle, a task he happily accepted. Carlisle is Jasper's Best Man, otherwise I'd have asked him to walk me down with my dad. We've got the food and drinks set up, mostly for everyone but myself and the Cullen family. The colors, dresses, suits, and everything else was something Alice and Rose quickly handled.

To be honest, the girls handled most of all the planning, leaving Jasper and I with only two things to do. Show up at the wedding, and get the marriage license. Hence, why Jasper and I just made the hour drive to Port Angeles to fill out the paperwork and get it. The entire drive, Jasper held my hand, with me snuggled up to his side, as he drove.

The only time he let it go was the moment he stepped out of the car. As he walks over to me, opening my door before I even have the chance to slide across the seat to get out, he has a soft smile playing on his lips. He puts his hand out toward me which I happily take. He helps me out of his car before closing the door behind me.

I look up at him with a huge smile.

"Excited?" I ask.

"Of course, doll. We're getting the piece of paper that will bind us together forever." He smirks down at me before kissing my forehead.

"I was bound to you forever the day I found out I was pregnant." I tease before walking toward the building.

He quickly pulls me back and wraps his arms around my waist.

"You were bound to me forever the day you said yes to being my girlfriend." He smiles and leans down.

I giggle and lean up, standing on my tip toes, and press my lips to his. He holds me close as an electric shock flies through us as it usually does when our lips meet. Pulling away, slowly, he cups my cheek as he looks into my eyes.

"Let's get inside before we miss our chance." He whispers.

"Yes, Major." I smirk before turning around.

I hear him growl slightly before he catches up to me. Knowing I'm gonna pay, in the best way possible for that remark, I giggle. We get inside the building and take a short elevator ride to the third floor. I glance at him with a smile. He winks at me before putting his hand on my lower back, ushering me out of the small confined space.

You're My Forever - Jasper Hale - Part 4Where stories live. Discover now