Chapter 5

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Everything seems to stop...As if everything's going in slow motion. I gasp and fall forward, slamming my knees into the concrete floor. A loud crack sounds throughout the room as one of my knees shatter. I fall to the side. Jasper's eyes widen and he rushes over to me and catches my head before it hits the ground. Everyone in the room, Seth, Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle, Edward and Esme run over and crowd around me.

"I think her placenta detached." Carlisle looks up.

Alice and Kevin both run outside, as quick as they can, to inform the wolves of what is going on.

"We need to get her to my office." Carlisle says, standing up.

Seth and Jasper gently pick me up and rush upstairs to his office. So I didn't have to go to the hospital, Carlisle got a hospital bed and an IV stand and set them up in this office. Carlisle moves my shirt to show my stomach. My side is completely black and blue. Rosalie stands right next to Carlisle while Jasper and Seth stand to my right with Jasper closer to me.

"Rosalie, hand me the morphine." Carlisle feels at my lower stomach.

Rosalie quickly grabs the needle and hands it to him. I feel sweat pouring down my face as pain starts shooting through every possible spot in my body. I try and stay calm but this hurts too much. I feel a calm wave wash over me. I slowly turn my head over to Jasper who leans over and starts playing with my hair. His eyes are slightly red. I know that if he could cry, he would be right about now.

Carlisle quickly injects me with the morphine but I can feel it moving through me slowly. Rosalie shakes her head and grabs a scalpel.

"We have to do it now!"

Carlisle grabs her hand and shakes his head. "We can't! We have to let the morphine spread."

"There is no time. He's dying!" Rosalie snaps.

I shake my head. I can't let my baby die like this. Not after everything I've been there.

"Get him out! Now!" I shout.

Carlisle sighs and takes the scalpel from Rosalie's hand. He glances at me before cutting into my stomach. I scream as loud as I possibly can because of the intense pain flooding my system. Even with Jasper's powers helping me, I still feel everything.

"Look at me, Ally." Jasper says, staring down at me.

I scream again as pain shoots through me and I manage to slowly turn my head to look toward him. Rosalie stares down at the blood pouring from my stomach. She goes to move but someone yells out.

"No!" Seth jumps over the hospital bed and tackles her to the floor.

"Seth! Get her out of here." Carlisle calls out.

Seth wraps his arms around her and with Emmett's help, they successfully pull her out of the room.

"Save her. We gotta change her now." Jasper looks at Carlisle.

"We can't! Not whilst he's in there. I gotta get him out first." Carlisle says as he continues to cut into me.

"Stay focused." Jasper whispers into my air. "Keep your heart beating."

"He's suffocating!" I scream, feeling something is wrong.

Carlisle takes in a huge unneeded breath and leans down. I scream louder as I feel him rip me open with his teeth. I gasp when I feel the baby being lifted out of my stomach. Carlisle wipes my blood from his mouth and looks down at the bundle of crying joy in his arms. He smiles and looks over at me.

"It's Charlotte." He whispers.

I smile weakly as a tear runs down my cheek. "Beautiful."

I stare at her for a moment before looking at Jasper. He smiles widely and kisses my forehead before kneeling down to the ground..

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