I like you, Hinata

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(A/n: I know that the editing on the pic is garbage but I couldn't find one that looked like what I was going for so I had to make my own :') all picture credits to the original owner)

"Hinata, I meant I like you, as in I have a crush on you. Will you be my boyfriend?"

At first, Hinata just stood there in shock, before his face turned into a tomato.

"Y-yaku-san? A-are you being s-serious right now..?" Hinata stuttered, once he finally calmed down.

"I am being serious. I really like you, Shoyo." Yaku responded, trying his best to stay calm and not portray his heart that was beating so hard he was surprised Shoyo hadn't heard it.

"B-but why? I mean, you're really nice, and always work hard to keep your team from falling apart... so why me?" Hinata responded, curious as to why the boy would choose him, out of all people.

"Why you? The real answer is why not you? Your one of the kindest, most generous people that I know, and everywhere you go, happiness just seems to follow. So, why would I not like you, Shoyo?"

"I'm really not that special..." Hinata said, feeling really flustered.

"Yes, you are. Do you remember what you told Akaashi-san earlier today, while we were playing volleyball?"

"Huh? I remember that I was telling him that I'd be sure to compliment him at least twice a day, so that he got more used to receiving compliments..."

"You also told him to not sell his self short. Well, now I am asking you to do the same thing. You are incredible, so please do not tell yourself that you're not."


"So, Shoyo, let me ask you again. Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yaku-san, I like you too, but I don't know if you would want me as your boyfriend..."

"Shoyo, I just told you that I really like you, and asked you out. I've told you what I adore about you. Why would you think that I don't want you as my boyfriend when I've made it obvious that I really do?" Yaku asked, starting to feel hurt.

"Well, because, I'm poly... I like you a lot Yaku-san, but I also like other people just as much as I like you..."

Upon hearing this, the hurt that was starting to fill Yaku's body quickly disappeared, with relief taking over. 

"Is that it? Because if it is, then I don't mind. I like you, regardless if it's only me in your heart or not. I will always like you. I don't mind if you like other people, as long as you don't forget about me." Yaku said, with one hand on Shoyo's cheek and the other on his waist.

"R-really? Do you really mean it?" Hinata asked, with tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Of course I do. When have I ever lied to you?"

At this, Hinata laughed sweetly, and responded. 

"Never. Okay then, I would love to be your boyfriend, Yaku-san."

Yaku's entire face lit up, and he quickly embraced Hinata in a tight hug.

"Oh thank Asahi, I really thought that you were going to reject me or something!"

They both laughed at this, before Yaku asked Hinata a question.

"Hey, Shoyo?"

"Yes, Yaku-san?"

"Can I kiss you?" Yaku asked, breaking the hug slightly, his hands still wrapped around Shoyo's waist.

Hinata chuckled at this, before grabbing both of Yaku's cheeks, and answering, "Of course you can, Yaku. You don't have to ask," before pulling him in for a sweet kiss.

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