The dam has broken and it's oh so beautiful

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(A/n: Hello everybody, I hope you guys have been well in the time that I've been gone! I already talk a whole bunch at the end of this chapter so I won't say too much here, so I'll stop talking and you can enjoy the chapter!)

'This boy is going to be the death of me...' Shoyo thought, still adoring the new pet name.

'Wow, now he's not only hot to look at, but now to the touch. He's truly turning into the sun,' were Akaashi's thoughts, on the contrary.


When the two boyfriends finally returned to the dorms, they went their separate ways to shower before meeting up in the common room.

The black-haired male arrived first, so he decided to read the book his English teacher assigned him to read the month he would be away and answer the accompanying questions.

The boy managed to read about half of a chapter before the orange-haired boy finally appeared in the common room.

"Hey, Keiji! I hope you didn't wait long for me," the smaller boy said with a goofy smirk.

"I didn't wait long at all, in fact, I got to work a little bit on the assignment my teacher gave me," Akaashi said, grabbing a bookmark and placing it into his book.

"Oh, that's good to hear! Is the book interesting?" Shoyo asked while grabbing Akaashi's hand and helping him get up.

"Well, I don't think I would've picked it up on my own, but now that I am reading it I do think that it is quite enjoyable," Akaashi answered before adding a small comment.

"By the way, you look great, love."

This caused a big goofy grin to find its way onto Shoyo's face, along with a more subtle blush from being called 'love' again. It was going to take the Shoyo some time to get used to hearing the pet name, and even then he wasn't sure the butterflies would go away completely.

Regardless, being the people pleaser he was, he quickly returned Akaashi's compliment with one of his own.

"You look great as well, Keiji! You always did have a knack for fashion!" Shoyo exclaimed, walking hand in hand with the boy.

"What are you talking about? I don't think I'm particularly good at fashion. If you ask me, I think I'm okay at it,' Keiji retorted, not quite seeing what the other boy was saying.

"Wow, so you mean to tell me that you are so good at fashion that you think it's normal? You really are talented, Keiji! Just trust me on this one, you are AMAZING at fashion! Always the best dressed if you ask me~" Shoyo retaliated, unable to resist the opportunity sitting right in front of him.

"Hmm, I don't know about all that, but I guess I'll take your word for it just this once. So don't get any funny ideas, mister," Akaashi said with a teasing underlay to his pretend serious words.

"Hehe, you're a bit too late for that! I already made plans to compliment you every day so that you get more used to getting the recognition you deserve, remember?~" Shoyo said, with a little hop in his step.

"You're a menace," Keiji groaned, causing Shoyo to burst into a fit of giggles.

"A menace that you couldn't live without!" Swinging their interlocked hands back and forth as they made their way to find a taxi.


When the two boyfriends were finally able to hail a cab and get to their location, Hinata was a bit confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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