The training camp finally begins!

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(A/n: Guys, we reached over 1k views! I know that it may not seem like a lot to you, but it means so much to me! I never thought that so many people would want to read my stories, but they do! You guys have literally no idea how happy this makes me, and I just want to say thank you so much! You guys really are the best!! I love you all!!❤❤ Oh and btw, I added the jazz music playlist that I like to listen too while writing these, it's calm and it helps me focus, so I totally recommend listening to it while reading this, or even just in general!)

Yaku Morisuke loved Hinata Shoyo with his entire being, and nothing in this entire world could change that. Not the people who who slowly join their relationship and steal some of Shoyo's precious time away from him, not anyone who disapproved of their relationship, not anyone who had a crush on him and wanted him for themselves. Absolutely nothing and nobody could stop Yaku from loving Shoyo with his entire being. And lucky for him, Shoyo felt the exact same way.


The next morning, everyone was woken up early, because the training camp was officially starting today!

"I understand that the training camp is starting today and all, but did we really have to wake up at 8 am just for this?" Kuroo complained, while getting ready to go downstairs for breakfast.

"Oh shut up, you're the one who was so excited to play volleyball yesterday!" Yaku retorted, not being in the mood to deal with Kuroo complaining.

"Hey! That's different, I was excited to play volleyball in the afternoon, after I had gotten a full night of sleep," Kuroo retorted.

"Pfft, whatever. Maybe if you stopped complaining so much, then you would have more energy!"

"Yakkun! You're so mean in the mornings! What did I do to deserve this type of treatment?"

"Shut up, Kuroo."

"Good job, Yaku-san. You have my respect."

"Kenma!! You're supposed to defend me! I'm your best friend, after all!"

"Shut up, Kuroo. Get dressed already."

"Hmph, if Chibi~chan was here, he would totally defend me right now," Kuroo said, before pausing and looking around the room.

"Hey, speaking of Chibi~chan, where is he?" Kuroo asked, after looking around the room.

"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him at all this morning. I wonder where he went?" Lev paused, before continuing, "Hey, Yaku-san, do you know where he went?"

"Hmm? No, when I woke up, he wasn't next to me. I just assumed that he went to the bathroom or something, but it has been a while since then..." Yaku responded, before also wondering where his boyfriend went.

"He probably went on his morning jog," Kenma stated, before going to his bag to get his switch.

"A jog? But, it's only 8:05?" Yamamoto asked confused, while looking at Kenma.

"Yeah, I know. Shoyo normally gets up at 6 am, stretches, and then goes for a jog. It usually lasts for about 15 minutes, before he comes back inside and makes himself a smoothie and breakfast," Kenma responded with slight annoyance, before standing up and getting ready to leave.

"How do you know all of that?" Yaku asked, slightly irritated that the bi-colored male knew so much about Shoyo, but also out of genuine curiosity.

"We have sleepovers all the time, and sometimes I would wake up early to play video games when he would wake up and start doing all of these things," Kenma said, before leaving the room and going down to breakfast.

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