I'm back... kinda

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Hello everyone! It's been a while since we last spoke. As you probably know, I announced that I was going this book on hiatus in order to be able to spend more time on it and make something that I feel proud to post. And that plan was going very smoothly, until an accident happened.

My computer overheated, and ended up exploding. When I wrote my stories, I did all of my work on Word as it has many functions that are extremely helpful when writing stories. I was very careful about my work and made sure to save frequently. However, I had not anticipated my compute quite literally self destructing, and when it did so I lost all the work I had poured into the story.

This was so heart breaking for me because I had made a lot of progress, and was feeling as if I could come back and start posting again, and then boom. It was all gone. It was really hard for me to motivate myself to keep going on the story since I had to rewrite everything from scratch, and while I had a general outline of the story I didn't remember all of the tiny little details that I poured into writing it to make it really come to life. It was so hard for me to find the motivation to keep going on and try to rewrite this story, but then you guys kept commenting.

You left comments saying you couldn't wait for me to return, how interested you were to see the next part, how I should take my time. And as much as it hurt to lose all that progress, the idea of just abandoning this fic all together hurt way worse, as so many of you were kind of enough to remind me that you were still here. Still waiting, and still loving. And for that I am so grateful.

While I can't say for certain how I will go about trying to fix this situation, I can say that this fic is not over, and it is not dead. Due to the hiatus I had plenty of time to construct an outline of the story, which I do remember quite well.

I may not remember all of the small details that I put in before, but that's okay. Because you guys are here with me. I know that I'll be able to make something even better, as my skills have definitely improved over time. So even though for so long the loss of all my work hurt, the thought of abandoning you guys hurt way worse.

So yes, I'm back, and will be posting chapters again, but it will take me a while to really and truly get back into the groove of things. You guys have been so amazing and patient while I was away, so now I ask that you extend that kindness, that patience, just a little further. I know that I can get through this as long as I have you all by my side.

Thank you so much for reading this, and I'll see you soon :).

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