After Date Drama

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(A/n: Hello lovelies, I hope you are having a fantastic day/night wherever you are! I can't believe that we are about to reach 9k views! You guys honestly mean more to me than you'll probably ever know. Anyways, I'll cut the sap and just get to the story. Just remember that I love you all no matter what and if you ever need someone to talk to I'll be here no matter what!)

(A/n: P.S. This chapter is basically just filler because I need it to lay the basic foundation for later in the story. If you don't want to waste your time reading basically pure fluff then I'll give you a summary.)

Summary: Oikawa and Iwaizumi are fighting because Oikawa kept everyone up in the cabin bragging about his amazing date with Chibi~chan, which Shoyo breaks up. Later in the day, Hoshino Yoshinori, the vice-captain of the basketball team, asks Shoyo to hang out, to which the latter confuses, saying that he didn't feel comfortable being alone with someone he didn't know all that well. He also says that he would've had to ask some friends first. Akaashi, realizing the 'friends' was referring to Shoyo's boyfriends, feels hurt and confused as to why Shoyo would refer to his boyfriends as friends and starts overthinking. Akaashi asks him why, Shoyo explains it's because he wanted to avoid any potential conflicts, and he and Akaashi kiss and make up.

When the boys got back to their dorms, they said their goodbyes, and went to sleep. Or, rather, Shoyo, Iwaizumi, and Yaku went to sleep while Oikawa went to brag about how good their date was.


The next morning seemed to have come rather quickly. Well, that is, for everyone who wasn't in the Aoba Johsai dorm. For them, morning could not have come soon enough, as Oikawa was bragging about how amazing his date with Shoyo was. Iwaizumi wasn't even there to save them from Oikawa's torture either, as the moment he got back, he was out like a light. The whole team (minus Oikawa and Iwaizumi) was noticeably grumpy the next morning.

When Iwaizumi saw this, he was obviously confused. They seemed to be in a good mood when he got back, although he couldn't really count that as he was exhausted from the long, but enjoyable day. He seemed to be the only one on the team who wasn't in a bad mood, well besides Oikawa. And that's when it clicked.

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and dragged Oikawa off to the side away from the grumpy team.

"Oi, Trashykawa! What did you do to the team? They are all so grumpy!" Iwaizumi accused.

"Huh? What makes you think I did something! I am just as confused as you are! I have no idea why they are so grumpy either!" Oikawa exclaimed, trying to defend himself.

Truth be told, Oikawa knew exactly why they were in a bad mood. But it wasn't his fault! They were just jealous that it wasn't them who swept the precious Chibi~chan off of his feet and took him on an amazing date! He was only doing them a favor and letting them know what they had missed out on. And, of course, with how amazing their date was, there was a lot the other boys had missed out on. And since Oikawa is so kind, he didn't spare a single detail. It wasn't his fault that they were so jealous of his amazing date.

However, Oikawa knew that Iwa wouldn't see him as the hero he was trying to be, and would probably hit him, so Oikawa opted for acting completely clueless and acting like he had no clue why the team was grumpy. Unfortunately for Oikawa, luck wasn't on his side, as Kunimi happened to overhear the conversation.

"That's bullshit Oikawa, and you know it. You kept the whole team up last night with your incessant bragging about how 'amazing your date with Shoyo was' and how 'it sucked that we weren't there to experience it.' We get it, you were Hinata's first date, but you didn't have to talk the whole night about it! In my opinion, it makes the whole date less special when everyone knows exactly what happened during it," Kunimi snarked, annoyed about the amount of sleep he was forced to miss out on.

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