Leaving for Nekoma

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(A/n: Hello and thank you for coming back! It means a lot to me! And an even bigger thank you to all the people who voted on the last part! It really means a lot to me that there are people actually enjoy reading what I write! Anyways, I just wanna say that all the same rules as last time apply, no hate on any ships or your comment will get deleted, and after that you will simply be blocked. I really don't have the time or energy to have people bash on my story because they think that it is "nasty". If you feel that way, then you shouldn't have clicked on my story. I made it very clear in the description that this was a Hinata Harem, and left plenty of tags too. Not only that, but even if you just skipped over the description (for some reason) and got straight to the story, if you didn't like it, you simply could've just clicked off the story and read another one. No one is forcing you to read this, so if you have that big of a problem with it then feel free to leave and never come back. Anyways, I'm sorry for writing a bunch about that, but I just wanted to establish that early on in the book so that I don't get any rude comments later in the story from people claiming that I never warned them about what was in this book. Anyways, now that that's out of the way, onto the story!)

 The next day, Shoyo woke up a little early than usual. He was in a very good mood since his mother had allowed him to go on the training camp, so he got to sleep easier and woke up 15 minutes earlier feeling more refreshed than usual.

'Huh? It's only 4:45?' Shoyo thought when he woke up, slightly confused. 'But I don't feel tired or annoyed? In fact, I kinda feel better than usual? But I woke up early? Ehh whatever, it worked out in my favor so I don't really care!'

Shoyo then got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Once he was done, he went down to the kitchen to get started on breakfast. He took an apron off the hook in the kitchen, put it on, and opened the fridge and grabbed all the ingredients that he would need and got to work. After about 30 minutes he finished making a simple, yet delicious breakfast. He set the food on the table, and then started making both his mother's and little sister's lunches, and finished it after another 20 minutes. He looked down at the food he made and smiled, proud of the food that he had made for his family.

 He looked down at the food he made and smiled, proud of the food that he had made for his family

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