The Harem Gets Bigger

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(A/n: We've passed 3k reads now, and I'm crying so much. I don't know how I managed to get this many people to read my stories and how so many people stay for the whole thing, but it means so much to me! I'm sure you guys are sick of hearing of hearing this over and over but thank you so much! You guys are the best, and I love you all🥺💖)

"I like you both too. Would you like to be my boyfriends?" Hinata asked the two males.


"Wait, are you being serious right now? Do you really mean it?" Oikawa said, hoping that Hinata was being serious and wasn't joking around.

"Of course I am! Why would I joke about something like this? I like you just as much as you like me!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Then, of course we want go out with you!" Oikawa exclaimed happily, before scooping Hinata up in his arms and kissing all over his face, only to receive a gentle smack to the back of the head.

"Owww, Iwa-chan! What was that for?! I didn't even do anything bad this time!" Oikawa whined.

"Oh, shut it, Trashykawa! You're practically suffocating him in your arms!" Iwaizumi scolded, before taking Hinata into his own arms.

Once Hinata was in Iwaizumi's arms, Iwaizumi glared at Oikawa, before locking eyes with Hinata.

"Hinata, can I kiss you?" Iwa asked, his cheeks flushing.

Hinata was shocked at first, not expecting Iwa to ask him that, before nodding his head and giggling.

"Yes, you can, Iwa~" Hinata said, causing Iwaizumi to blush, before leaning in for a sweet kiss.

Once the two broke the kiss, they stared at each other with a smile on their face before being interrupted by Oikawa.


"SHUT UP, TRASHYKAWA!!" Iwaizumi yelled back, starting an argument between the two.

However, their argument was cut short by a soft giggle that came from none other than the orange headed angel himself.

"You guys really find any reason to fight, huh?" Hinata said once he stopped laughing, with a loving look in his eyes, causing both older males faces to flush in embarrassment.

"No, Trashykawa just does a lot of dumb stuff and I have to correct him on it," Iwaizumi said after recovering from his initial embarrassment.

"Hey! I don't do dumb things! You just like to bully me!" Oikawa said, trying to defend himself, only to earn another harsh smack to the back of the head.

"Just because I'm holding Hinata doesn't mean that I can't hit you, Trashykawa, so watch yourself. And you most definitely do dumb things, that I have to scold you for," Iwa said, holding Hinata with one arm and glaring at Oikawa.

"Okay, okay, before you two get into other fight, can we go take a shower now? We still smell pretty bad, and we've been standing in front of the building for a solid 10 minutes now," Hinata said, half because he did want to take a shower and half because he wanted to prevent another argument between the two.

The two Aoba Johsai members blushed for what seemed to be the 30th time that night, before nodding and heading inside.


After the boys were out of their shower, Hinata was laying across Oikawa and Iwaizumi's laps, while talking to Iwa about different spiking techniques. However, Oikawa was not in this conversation at all, as he was on his phone doing something entirely different.

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