Training camp?

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(A/n: Hello, and thank you for reading this story! This is my first time writing on Wattpad, so please forgive me for any mistakes I make. Criticism is welcomed, but please try to be kind when giving it! Anyways, this will be a Hinata Harem, and any hate towards this ship will not be tolerated! If I see any negative comments, I will tell you to stop and delete your comment, and then after that I will report and block you. No shame towards any ships will be allowed, and you can always skip over ships that you don't like. Anyways, on to the story!)

It was a normal Wednesday afternoon for the Karasuno volleyball team. They had just finished a practice and were getting ready to clean up when Coach Ukai said that he had an important announcement to make.

"All right boys, before you guys start packing up, I have something that I need to say," Coach Ukai said in an slightly happy voice, and motioned for everyone to stop what their doing and gather around in a circle around him. Once everyone gathered around him in a semi-circle, he continued, "Coach Nekomata invited us to his school for a training camp."

Before Ukai could finish what he was saying, the team started celebrating (or planning) over the news. Tanaka and Noya were planning on ways to keep the "shitty boys" away from their goddess Kiyoko. Daichi was mentally preparing his evil grin and deathly hand shake for Kuroo, the Nekoma captain, while Sugawara was happy that he was going to see Yaku again, having become quite close with the boy. However, the most excited was Hinata.

"That means I'll get to see Kenma again!" The energetic orangette exclaimed while jumping around happily. This adorable action made everyone's heart melt, but also sent a pang of jealously throughout their bodies. Hinata always seemed so happy every time the possibility of seeing Kenma was brought to him, and they couldn't help but envy the boy who always made Hinata jump for joy just at the thought of seeing him.

"Yeah, yeah settle down! I didn't even get to finished," Ukai said, slightly annoyed that he had been cut off. Once everyone settled down (which didn't take long) Ukai continued, "Anyways, this training camp will include many schools," Ukai said, much to everyone elses dismay and Shoyo's joy.

"Aobo Johsai," continued Ukai, "Shritorizawa, Date Tech, Inarizaki, and Itachiyama will all also be attending." The team paled, realizing that there were going to be a lot of boys who liked Hinata attending this training camp. Hinata, however, had the complete opposite reaction of the boys who were now dreading this camp with every bone in their body.

"Wah! Really? I'll get too see all of my friends!" Exclaimed the excited organette, with joy radiating off of him in thick waves. Upon realizing how happy Hinata was to see everyone, the rest of the team relaxed a bit, and decided that they would have to just suck it up. Hinata seemed so happy at the prospect of seeing all of his friends (even if they knew that many of those boys wanted to be more than friends) and they had no right to try and prevent that from happening. Instead, they started celebrating with Hinata, and soon, they gym was filled with joy and laughter.

Coach Ukai interrupted the boys celebrations (albeit reluctantly, although he would never admit that) to explain how things would work. "Alright now you idiots, calm down. The training camp will last for one month, and during that time the school will send you videos and work to do so that you don't fall behind in your classes. Now, give this paper to your parents or legal guardian, I need them back by next Tuesday." Ukai finished his statement, and then handed out all the paperwork. "Good job today boys, now hurry up and wrap it up so we can go home!"

A series of yes's was heard throughout the gym, and the boys started packing up while enthusing about the training camp.

Hinata, who was picking up volleyballs with Noya, started enthusing about how happy he was about seeing all of the other teams. "I can't wait to see everybody!" Hinata said, giddy with excitement. "Do you think I could convince Akaashi-san to go shopping with me?" Hinata asked, although it seemed as if he was talking to himself more than to Noya.

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