Shoyo's First Date!

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(A/n: So, I know that I've been gone for a long time, and I'm so sorry for that. I know that probably tired of hearing me always say that I've been gone for so long because of school and stuff, and I really am sorry for how often I leave for how long I leave for. I try to write super long chapters to make up for it, but it still must suck having to wait super long for each part to come out, and, as I said, I really am so sorry for that. You guys deserve better than that, and I'll try to be better. Anyways, while I was gone, we reached 5.5k views! You guys are so awesome and mean the world to me! You guys deserve the world, and I will always be grateful for everything that you have done for me. I'll stop being annoying and sappy now and get to the story. I love you guys, and I hope you enjoy today's part!)


"H-huh? Akaashi-san? Do you really mean it?" Shoyo asked, a surprised look on his face.

"Yes, I do. I love you and have for a very long time," Akaashi said, cheeks tinted a light pink.

"Oh, wow. Are you being serious right now? Like, this isn't a prank, right? Bokuto and Kuroo didn't put you up to this against your will, did they?" Hinata asked, very disbelieving of the situation.

When Hinata said this, Akaashi's nerves began to go wild. He started second guessing himself, wondering if he had made the right choice confessing.

'Why does he seem so shocked? Does he not like me back? Hmph, he probably doesn't. I thought just because he always made sure to make me feel special that we might've had something, even though I knew it was just how he is,' Akaashi thought, feeling very stupid after thinking back on all of the times Hinata had been nice to him.

He thought about going with what Hinata said, and then apologizing, but he decided against it. He already came this far, he might as well commit and get his full rejection, so his stupid mind doesn't start thinking things that obviously aren't true, like what it did when it convinced him to confess to Shoyo.

"No, Bokuto and Kuroo did not set me up to this. I'm doing this because based on my own free will. I love you, Shoyo," Akaashi said, silently praising himself mentally for not stuttering over any of his words.

"But based on your reactions, I can tell that you most likely don't feel the same way about me. I'm sorry if I made you feel awkward by doing this, but I just had to get it off my chest, or else it would eat up at me until I couldn't control it anymore."

Just as he was about to turn and walk away, Shoyo grabbed Akaashi's cheeks and kissed him.

'Huh?' Was all that Akaashi could manage to think afterwards, staring blankly at Shoyo's cute little face looking at his.

"You were overthinking things just now, weren't you?" Shoyo asked, still having the elder's face in his hands.

Still in shock, Akaashi didn't say anything back, his confused look still on his face.

Shoyo giggled at this and said, "I knew you were overthinking the moment I asked you if it was a prank. Trust me, I didn't mean it in a bad way, not at all! It just caught my by surprise, and I wanted to make sure that you were being a 100% serious when you confessed to me."

At this point, some of Akaashi's sense had returned, and it caused him to question what the boy just said.

"Why would this catch you by surprise? You've already had 3 guys confess to you, right?"

"Well, yeah," Hinata started, started to feel rather embarrassed at what he was about to tell the boy, "I have, and it meant a lot to me, because I really liked them for a long time, and it made me super happy that they liked me back! But it's different with them because it was a gradual build up of feelings, and I got to see how they improved and grew over time."

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