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"Wong GuanLei hurry up, we are going to be late"

"Omg Lucas shut up, i need to find my phone, goddamit" I was yelling from upstairs, where did I put it goddamit, I searching my whole room until I found it under my bed, i have no idea how it got there. I ran down the stairs past my brother right to his car, i didnt have my drivers license yet, so Lucas had to drive me to school together with him.

"You couldnt wait for me could you huh" he got into the car and and we started driving. After about 10 minutes we were already there.

"Bye bitch" i slammed the door and ran to class, i could hear him yelling about the fact that I slammed the door. I got to class and sat down in my seat.

"hey Mingi, what ya doing" that is my best friend Mingi, a total heartbreaker, not with the intention of breaking hearts just in accident.

"I will never understand how you can be so cheerfull in 9 am, its so early."



It was almost the last lesson lesson of the day, we were having english, one of my favorote classes. I was paying attention in class as I suddenly started feeling pain on my right wrist, I ignored it, but the I also started feeling pain on my other hand, and then in the back of my left shoulder, and then on my collar bone, I was trying so hard not to let out a sound.

"Mr. Kim, can I please go to the bathroom" i asked him in english.

"Ofcourse GuanLei, just dont spend too much time there."

I got up and walked out of the clas I felt a sudden wave of pain and then everything went black.


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