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_______________*will contain smut*and also this is probably the last chapter

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*will contain smut*
and also this is probably the last chapter...:(

His hands were holding me in a tight hug while we were watching miraculous. My head was resting on his chest and my arms were grabbing his shirt. The episode ended and Yeosang was humming along the song. I was going to put on the next episode, but he started holding me tighter and he just didn't let me go.

"Bub, please let me put on the next episode" he just hummed in response and snuggled into my neck. He stated giving me small kisses on my neck and I tried to stay calm and it was working.

He probably got annoyed that I wasn't showing any emotions, so he gave me a small bite, and with that I left out a small moan. I felt him smirk and he kept going. He slowly got on top of me while still kissing my neck, his kisses started moving down my neck and to my collar bone. I started taking off his shirt, he stopped kissing my neck and allowed me to take it off, I took a second to admire his toned abs.

"Like what you're seeing?"

"If I wouldn't I wouldn't be looking" I pulled him down and pressed our lips together in a passionate kiss. His hands moved down to my pants and stared taking them off, I also starting taking off his pants, everything happened so fast and soon both of us were completely naked. He placed himself inbetween my legs and entered. I moaned in pleasure and so did he. He started moving faster and holy shit it felt good. His dick hit my gspot each time and the only thing could could hear in the room were our moans and skin slapping.

"I'm gonna, oh god" I exclaimed and soon both us us came, he laid down next to me and pulled me into his arms and I snuggled closer to him.

"Promise me this is forever"


Can I write smut? No. Will I continue writing it? Yes.

Anyways it's the end of this fanfiction, thank you to those two people who were reading it thank you<3

ended 20/01/2021

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