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I was back in Korea, and today I was going back to school. I mean I already was at the school and I was waitingg for the first lesson to start. Mingi was telling me an it his soulmate and about how nice she was to him and on how many dates they went to during the past two weeks, I had missed quite a bit, we had three new transferred students, two guys and one girl, we had a new teacher in english and Chungha had found her soulmate, that's one unlucky person.

"Hey, can we talk?" a sweet female voice said from next to me. I looked up at her and suprise suprise it was Tzuyu.

"I don't know, do we have something to talk about?" I replies.

"GuangLei please, what you saw was a misunderstanding, just let me explain" it sounded like she was telling the truth, so I just got up and went out of the class with her.

"Okay, listen, so, I went out with Chungha becuse she asked and I didn't want to be mean, so I was like no biggie I will just go with her. We went to that place and we were just talking. She suggested we play truth or dare, I agreed, at the beginning everything was okay until she gave me a dare to "kiss the hot dude that was standing outside" without thinking I did it, because I didn't know it was a big deal, turns out she knew he was your soulmate and gave me that dare so I would mess up your relationship. And also he pushed me away really quickly, so we weren't shoving our tounges down each others throats, I guess you just didn't see the part where he pushed me away, so I'm really sorry, I honestly didn't know he was your soulmate, please forgive me Lei" she finished what she was saying and looked at me with pleading eyes, I knew she wasn't lying so I forgave her.

"It's okay, I guess, but now I have to talk to Yeosang, could you like please get him?" Tzuyu hugged me and went in the classroom to get Yeosang. After a minute or so Yeosang came out of the classroom and came up to me.

"So you finally decided to listen?"

"How was I supposed to know that you were telling the truth through the phone huh? I can only do that shit in real life"

"Well you didn't have to be such a bitch about it, it's not like I kissed her or something" he sounded mad. I gathered up every ounce of courage I had, and apologized to him.

"I'm sorry" I said through my gritted teeth.

"What was that, I didn't quite hear it" he put his hand to his ear mimicking that he was listening.

"I'm sorry okay? Dang it" an angry pout had formed on my face, Yeosang had a small smile on his face as he wrapped his hand around my waist. We walked into the classroom, a few gasps could be heard from some of the students in my class, because obviously the news about Yeosang and Tzuyu kissing had spread quickly. Both of us took our seats and waited for the teacher. The door opened, but it wasn't the teacher, those were the two transferred male students. There was noticeable tension between those two and Yeosang and you would be a fool to not notice that.

They started walking to their seats, they were placed in the seats behind me and Mingi. And being the bitch I am I decided to talk to them.

"Hey, I'm Wong GuangLei, and you two are?"

"I am Choi San, and this is my soulmate Jung Wooyoung"

"Ooh, so we have a same sex couple. I hope no-one has been homophobic to the two of you, most of the people here have a hard time accepting that the world is changing"

"Not yet atleast, but thank god the two of us aren't the only same sex couple in this class" I furrowed my brows in confusion, we didn't have another same sex couple in this this class hat I knew of. I looked at Mingi waiting for an explanation.

"There is a another same sex couple in this class, and you didn't think of mentioning it?"

"Its not that big of a deal, its only Chungha"

"She is homophobic, you know that right?? Anyways who is- " I didn't get to finish because the door opened again, and there she was Chungha and her soulmate "oh you are right on time, we were talking about you, would you introduce your soulmate to me, she seems really nice"

"Looks like you ad Yeosang made up, I hoped you wouldn't forgive him after he cheated"

"Oh after you have Tzuyu a dare to kiss him, without her knowing he is my soulmate, oh yeah I totally didn't forgive him"

"I don't want to disturb your fight but the teacher will be here soon" her soulmate said from next to her, in a small voice. Chungha looked at her in disgust and started walking to her seat. Her soulmate turned towards me and introduced herself.

"I'm Kim Seri, but you can just call me Alexa, but you might know me on Instagram as andioop"



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