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It was the next day and I was thinking of whar to wear when going to the cafe '𝖙𝖎𝖆𝖓𝖞'. I had to leave a good first impression for obvios reasons.

In the end I decided to wear a white button up shirts, brown dress pants and black high top Doc Martens. I did a simple makeup look and put on some accessories. I also put on a brown blazer. When I went out of the house I checked if I had taken my wallet, my phone and the keys.

"Leilei, where are you going?" I saw a tired Lucas coming down the stairs while his blanket was still over him and he was rubbing his eyes.

"To a cafe, should I get you coffee or will you make it yourself"

"I'm going back to sleep, I don't need coffee" after he finished his sentence he let out a yawn and walked back upstairs.


I was at the cafe. I was gathered all my strength to not chicken out of this. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

The scent of the freshly made coffee and sweets hit me as I opened the door, it felt...homey? I guess you could say that. It was warm and coloured in warm tones. There were big windows and the seats had pillows. I already liked it.

I walked up to the counter and looked at what drinks they had to offer, they had a really wide choice, but it wasn't too much.

"Hello, what can I get for you" a calm voice asked disturbing my thought process. I looked at the person saying that and I met the eyes of the most angelic person ever, he had blonde, kinda long hair, a kind smile could be seen on his face. It felt like he was a painting. I realised I was staring and felt myself blush a little.

"Oh, I'm sorry I would like to have a Lavander bubble tea and a piece of the strawberry cheesecake." He took a clear plastic cup, with a light brown piece of paper around it (the same shit that is in Starbucks, idk what it is) took a pen and asked for my name.

"GuangLei" he looked a bit surprised but quickly hid it. I payed for my order and waited for someone to give me my order. I picked a place where I can observe Yeosang.

Soon another worker gave me my order. I thanked her and started eating. My eyes widened when I took the first out of the cheesecake, it was amazing, it was the best cheesecake I had ever eaten. I was definitely going to come here more often.

While I was enjoying everything I had in front of me I also started looking at Yeosang. He looked so elegant while making the drinks behind the counter, there were more people showing up since it was 12am lunch breaks were starting.

But Yeosang didn't seem bothered about it at all, he greeted everyone with a smile on his face. He just seemed so... perfect.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate in my pocked and I picked up?


"GuangLei where are you? You have been out for two hours already get back home. NOW!"

"Okay, fine, only if you pick me up"

"Yeah, yeah, just send me the location"



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