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"Hey do you wanna join us for lunch? And if you want Chungha can come too I guess" Alexa lookedt me and you could literally see her eyes sparkling from excitement, she was like a cute little kid. She looked at Chungha and grabbed her hand.

"Chungha will you come? Please, please, please" she was looking at Chungha with pleading eyes, her eyes softened when she saw how cute Alexa was acting. They were kinda cute together, I just hope Alexa can change her for the better.

"Sure, I guess" she sounded uneasy and looked at me, with a mad expression. Someone is jealous. I gave her a wink and turned towards Yeosang.

"Why did you wink at her? Do you like her?" He sounded jealous. I just gave him a small smile and leaned closer to his ear. "I winked at her, because she is falling in love, L O V E"

"Anyways we should get going" I grabbed Yeosangs hand and dragged him towards the cafeteria, we got a few weird looks from the people, I just rolled my eyes and stood in he line to get food. We got our food and sat down, Wooyoung and San were already here, I guess Mingi was sitting with his girlfriend. Soon Chungha and Alexa were also here. I saw how awkward was the atmosphere around Alexa and Chungha so I decided to make Chungha jealous, their relationship was moving too slow.

"Yeosang, don't get jealous, they need help in there relationship" he nodded and I started my plan.

"Hey Alexa, has anyone told that you are drop dead gorgeous?"I looked straight into her eyes and put on a flirty facial expression. She blushed and got shy. "Stop lying"

"I'm not lying, honestly if we wouldn't be assigned soulmates, I would totally be crushing at you, don't take this to heat Sang you are amazing, but Alexa is like y'know hot and all plus she is a female. And also Alexa your dancing skills are something else, do you know hot yo-" I couldn't finish what I was saying because Alexa was getting dragged out of the cafeteria by a jealous Chungha "I knew it would work"

"Why would you do that?" San looked so shocked and was looking at me with his eyes wide open.

"Just wait" I looked outside the cafeteria door "3...2...1... Ohhh it's more intense than I thought"All of them looked at where I was looking at there they were. Alexa was against the wall and they were in an intense makeout session.

"I hope they know that people can see them" I could here Wooyoung say from where he was sitting.

"I don't think they care at this point" I replied to him, they seemed like they were in their own world.

"You know Guang that could be us right now"

"I mean if you want we can do that right here, it's not like I care" and soon our lips collided.


I feel like this is tmi (it is) but I just feel the need to share this, because I don't know what else to do with this information, so basically I uhh, found out I can suck on my own tiddie, idk how that happend

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I feel like this is tmi (it is) but I just feel the need to share this, because I don't know what else to do with this information, so basically I uhh, found out I can suck on my own tiddie, idk how that happend.

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