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"What do you mean she just collapsed? How can someone jus look completly fine but then collapse out of nowhere??"

"I dont know Lucas, she asked to go to the bathroom, and then there was a bang on the door, and she was just there on the floor"

I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings, I realised I was in the nurse's office, my wrist and the back of my shoulder was still pulsating, and gutted a tiny bit, but it wasn't much. I decided to look at my wrist, because I just felt like it, and then I saw it, there was a name.

"Guanlei you're awake, what happened, why did you-" he suddenly stopped and also took a look at my wrist, his eyes widened in shock when he saw that there was a name "what the hell?! When did you get it?"

I ignored him and took a look at my other wrist, also a name. "Lucas can you give me your phone for a sec?"

He just gave it to me, with a lid sigh. I rolled my shirt down, so I could see what's happening, went on the camera on his phone and took a picture of the back of my shoulder. And suprise, suprise another name.

"I am a freak aren't I" my voice was trembling of the fear.

"No, you are n-"

"I am, first of all, my soulmates name shows up late, and second of all I have three fricking names, what the hell am I supposed to do, how am I going to hide this from people" I was on the verge of tears, I felt like my whole life was ruined.

"Guanlei, it isn't a big deal, you have multiple soulmates, so what? You have a wider choice in your significant other, and that is a good thing"

"As much I hate tu interrupt this, Lucas needs to go back to class, and Guanlei needs to be sent home, so she can rest and come back tomorrow with a full blast of energy." Mr. Kim said and urged my twin out of the room. After he went out, Mr. Kim called my parents to come pick me up, as usual they couldn't, so they would send a driver to get me.

When I got home I went to my room, and started doing research, on my soulmates, first on the list

Kim Hongjoong


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