Chapter 8

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"NO!" Dream shouts as he watches Day sacrifice her life to save his, resulting in her falling into the End portal. He turns to look at Techno with fury in his eyes. "That was a big mistake." He says angrily, taking out his crossbow and loading it. 

"On second thought, I think I'm going to dip." Tommy announces and jumps into the portal, leaving Dream and Techno on the surface. 

The two warriors just look at each other intently. "Listen, Dream. I missed my arrow on purpose, we don't have to fight. I'm a changed man." Techno says, switching to his trident. 

"I don't give a shit. Day is in the End." Dream states, voice filled with rage. He fires his first arrow, and the battle begins. As Techno's health falls to only a heart, he speaks up, "Dream, listen to me. We don't have to fight." 

"This is your fault. Now I have to kill the dragon to let Day out, meaning Tommy is also going to be free." Dream says angrily, holding his loaded crossbow to Techno's face. 

Day fell out of the world.

The message stuns Dream, giving Techno time to regain his balance. He punches Dream with his knockback sword and makes a run for his base. 

"Oh my God." Dream whispers in shock. He immediately starts running back to the SMP, to Day's house to see her. To make sure she's okay.


I respawn back in my cloud house, stripped of my levels and many potions. I immediately run to my ender chest and take out my armour and weapons, hating the feeling of vulnerability. My first canon death wasn't even scripted but I think it was a pretty cool scene anyway. 

While I regain my balance, I suddenly hear my door open and see Dream standing there. He joins my VC and immediately scolds me, "DAY! Are you out of your goddamn mind! You sacrificed your life for me! You just DIED!" 

I hold back a giggle. "Listen Dream, I just repaid the favour. Nothing more. Nothing less." I say in a serious tone.

"You didn't have to die though. I would've killed the dragon to let you out." He tells me.

"You'd also be letting Tommy out." I inform him.

"So what? You're way more important." He says, which brings a smile to my face.

We pause for a moment. 

"Okay chat. Lore is over." I announce and Dream lets out a breath. We both laugh and have fun messing around for the rest of the stream. 


About a week later, I get woken up by the sound of my discord ringing. I groan but a smile lands on my lips as I answer my phone. "Clayyyy, whyyyy?" I whine as Clay simply chuckles.

"Good morning sleepyhead." He says softly, making my heart start beating faster. 

"Hey." I say groggily, with a smile dancing on my lips. 

"How was your sleep?" 

"Very good, I had a CRAZY dream." I exaggerate and start rambling to him, getting super off-topic, super quickly.

"Why the fuck would you get under the table." I laugh as Clay tells me a story from his childhood.

"I-I don't know. I was just a kid!" He defends himself, quickly catching my contagious laugh.

After we stop laughing, we fall into a comfortable silence. Clay and I have grown closer over the past few months, all sprouting from me joining the SMP. Technically, from MCC as that is the event that I first got noticed by him but if I didn't join the SMP, I doubt that we would've ever spoken much. 

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