Chapter 13

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I wake up and feel a warm breath dancing on my neck. A firm arm holds me lazily around my waist. I shuffle a little bit and feel the man beside me stir in his sleep. I gently take his arm and try to get out of his grip. However, the plan backfires as he pulls me closer and tightens his grip. I giggle and gently shake him awake. I turn around to face him, "Clay?" I say softly. I watch his eyes slowly open, meeting mine. "Morning." I smile.

"Good morning." He says tiredly, with his sexy morning voice. He realises our close proximity and a light blush covers his cheeks. "Oh, I'm sorry." He says and pulls away from me. He stretches and rubs his eyes. 

"It's okay." I say shyly, watching him. 

"I can't believe I'm leaving today." Clay says with a sad smile. 

"Do you want to come back to mine before you start packing?" I ask him, "Make the most of the last day?" 

He looks at me happily, "Yeah, that'd be nice." 


"Welcome to my house." I say to Clay as I open my front door. We walk in and I take him into my living room.

"You have a really nice house." He comments and I thank him. I leave him in the living room for a few minutes while I run upstairs to change into some jeans and a loose top. I then come back downstairs and sit on my sofa with him, turning on the TV.

"What do you wanna watch?" I ask him. He furrows his eyebrow as he thinks. I smile to myself at how cute he looks.

"I don't mind."

"Okay." I reply and choose a random movie.

"Where are your parents?" Clay asks, after a few minutes.

"On holiday. They're gone for 4 more days." I tell him.

"So you're home alone huh." He says suggestively. I roll my eyes and giggle.

"Yes, I am." I reply murmuring and turn my body to look over at him, sitting crosslegged facing him. His green eyes pierce through mine, and I can slowly sense the atmosphere shift.

"Wouldn't you like some company?" He smirks.

"Maybe I would. You think I should invite Matt over?" I ask teasingly.

I see Clay visibly tense up as soon as I mention the other streamer. He licks his lips and looks at me, almost like he's hunting his prey.

"Say his name again. See what happens." He warns me but that only encourages me to see what he'll do.

"I'll ask Matt right now." I say, reaching for my phone. Clay pounces on me, stopping me from taking it from the coffee table. I fall back onto the sofa, with Clay on top of me. He holds my hands above my head and straddles my hips.

"I warned you." He says huskily, "I told you not to test me Bella."

I gulp and feel my core ignite. My pupils dilate at his tone and I look at his face, fully appreciating the handsome man on top of me. He seems to do the same, then his eyes settle on my lips. I lick my lips and look up into his eyes. We make fierce eye contact and I have never wanted anything more than his lips on mine.

The sound of my phone rings but we both carry on looking at each other. Clay adjusts his grip on my hands, holding them both down with one hand. He reaches for my phone and answers it, placing it down beside me on loudspeaker.

"Hello? Bella?" My mum speaks on the phone. I gulp as I see Clay lower his head, and I feel his lips touch my neck. 

"H-hi Mum." I stutter, the heat intensifying in my core. 

"How are you, honey?" She asks me. Clay's hot breath fans my neck, and he starts gently kissing it. 

"Fine." I reply breathlessly, biting my lip to keep any unwanted sounds from coming out. Clay slowly traces kisses up to my ear, "Is this okay?" He whispers in my ear. I nod my head and hear my mum call my name. 

"Bella, are you sure everything is okay? You sound breathless." She asks, sounding concerned.

"Sorry, I jus-" I pause and bite my lip hard as I feel Clay start sucking and nipping at the skin on my neck. "I just finished jogging." I finish my sentence, "How's Spain been?" I ask, trying to get my Mum to talk rather than me. 

Clay's lips slowly make their way down to my collarbone, kissing the whole way. He pulls away to look at me and I whimper mindlessly at the loss of contact, forgetting that my mum is on the phone. Clay smirks at me and leans forwards to whisper in my ear, "Keep talking Princess." 

"Wow, that sounds great Mum." I say, my voice unsteady, as Clay continues to work on my neck.

"I-I'll call you back later Mum." I say quickly and pray that my mum hangs up. Clay pulls away again and takes my phone in his hand. He sets it aside on the coffee table and turns his attention back to me. 

His hand traces my curves and his eyes snap up to look at me. "Say his name again." He says roughly. I bite my lip, holding back a smirk. "Who's? Matt's?" I ask cheekily. I watch Clay's eyes narrow and he licks his lips. His face inches closer. 

"I wonder how Matt is doing." I say, teasingly, "I might text him later." 

He bites his lip in frustration and moves his face closer still, until we're millimeters away. My breath hitches in my throat and my mind goes blank for any other snarky comments. The sound of the doorbell stops Clay in his track. He pulls back and groans angrily. He gets off of me and lets me go answer the door. I get up from the sofa, my legs weak. Clay watches me intensely as I go to the door. I open it and see Will waiting outside. "Hey Bella, is Clay ready to go? He's not answering his phone." He asks and my eyes widen. 

"Clay!" I shout, "Will is here." I hear Clay get up and he walks over to the door. 

"Hey, yeah let's go." He says, his voice croaky. Will looks at us confused and I tuck my hair behind my ear out of habit. His eyes drift down to my now exposed neck and a smirk appears on his lips. He looks at Clay with a raised eyebrow, causing Clay's cheeks to turn red and scratch the back of his neck awkwardly. 

"Alright, let's get going. Bella, you coming?" Will asks breaking the silence. I look over at Clay, waiting for him to say something.

"You should come Bell. I don't want to say goodbye yet." He says, a hint of sadness in his voice. 

"Okay, let's go then." Will says and turns around, leading us to his car. 

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