Chapter 11

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"It was lovely speaking to you." I say to Matt.

"Pleasure is all mine. I'll text you sometime about that Minecraft date?" He asks.

"Sure." I say with a smile and leave the video call. 

I take a deep breath and look back at Clay's messages. A smile forms on my lips as I reread the texts but I begin to question why Clay got so protective of me. I debate whether to call him right now or not. I tap my desk while I think about it and decide to talk to him. 

The sound of ringing fills my headphones as I wait for him to answer. "Hello?" I say when the ringing stops. 

"Had fun with Matt?" He asks grumpily. I just laugh at him.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to getting to know him more." I say, with a smug smile. 

"That's great." He says coldly, making me giggle.

"Why are you getting so jealous?" I ask him but he doesn't reply, "Clay?" 

"I'm not jealous." He says which makes me laugh again.

"So this isn't you being jealous?" 


"Okay, I believe you." I say giggling, making him huff in annoyance.

"Are you actually going to go on a date with him?" He asks. I take a moment to think about my answer. In all honesty, I liked the look of Matt and he seemed nice and funny but I wasn't sure if I wanted to rush things that quick.

"I don't know." I reply honestly but Clay doesn't like my answer. 

"He's not your type." He says.

"You don't know my type."

"I'm your type." He replies, a smirk on his face. I scoff and start laughing at how childish he's being. I decide to change the topic of conversation before things get out of hand.

"Isn't your flight tomorrow?" I ask.

"It is, yes." He confirms and I smile, feeling giddy.

"When will you arrive?" 

"Around 9 pm." He tells me.

"What are your plans?" I ask curiously. Since Clay and I have grown closer, I assumed that he would save a day or two to come see me but in reality, we never really spoke about it officially. 

"I'm going to stay with George for 2 days. Then Will for 2 days, he wants to film something with me. And then I have 3 days free." He tells me.

"And what are you going to do with those 3 days." I ask, trying to not sound too desperate to see him.

"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe tour the city." He says and I huff loudly, making him chuckle.

"Well Bella, if you insist then I guess I could come see you." He jokes and I break out into a massive grin. 

"Yay! What do you wanna do?" I ask him.

"Maybe we could go to the beach. You can show me around or something?" He suggests.

"That's a great idea!" I exclaim and he chuckles.

"Alright well, I have to go finish packing Bell. I'll see you soon." He says, emphasising the 'see'. 

"See you soon." I say giddily. 


I haul my sister's suitcase down the staircase and see my family and Savannah standing in the living room, getting ready to leave for their holiday. 

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