Chapter 1

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"And that is how you PVP my guy!" I shout excitedly as I kill the last person in the PVP tournament.  "Chat, on a scale of 1 to 10, how fucking pog was that! 10 out of 10 wins!" I smile and watch the chat blow up with numbers. 

"Alright chat, thank you so so much for watching me today. I love you all!" I finish and quickly think about who to raid. My eyes flicker to a familiar name, GeorgeNotFound. I say familiar, I've only spoken to him during one MCC, but we got along pretty well during it. Enjoying beating Dream was a common interest of ours. 

I hover over his name and hesitate for a split second. Fuck it.

"I will pass you over to the lovely GeorgeNotFound. Give him some love!" I chirp and click on the raid button. I click on his stream to watch his reaction. 

He is currently on the Dream SMP playing with Quackity and Dream, and they are well and truly popping off. Suddenly George gasps causing the other 2 players to turn and face him. "Wha-" Dream begins but is immediately interrupted by George himself. 

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for the raid Day! Wow, that's so many people." George marvels and starts jumping his character up and down.

"Did you say Day raided you?" Quackity asks. 

"Yup!" George answers, popping the 'p'. 

"The girl that won MCC twice in a row?"  Quackity exclaims. Dream huffs at that. After Dream looked me up following my second MCC, it seemed that competing with me in everything was his new mission. Winning would be a bonus but in practice, it was not going well for him. 

"Yeah, beating Dream TWICE!" George adds, a massive grin on his face, as he teases his best friend.

"WHAT! She's a Goddess at Minecraft then." Quackity compliments me, laughing. 

"I wouldn't go that far Quackity." Dream says monotonously causing the other two boys to laugh. 

"Aww Dream! Just accept that she is better than you." George teases, making Dream groan. 

"Why don't you two just settle it with a tournament?" Quackity speaks up. 

"What? Why?" Dream says, clearly irritated at the subject of the conversation. 

However, Quackity has sparked my curiosity. It would be good for publicity to have a competition against Dream, and it would be incredibly fun to beat his ass. I would be up for it. 

"You scared Dre?" Quackity teases. 

"No." Dream replies bluntly. Sure, green boy. 

"Well, in that case, let's organise something!" George chirps. Dream groans which causes me to roll my eyes. As much as Dream seems nice to all his fans, he is an incredible dick at times, especially to me. 

Dream and I both grew at a similar pace and we are both fairly popular amongst the Minecraft community. Except I'm much better at Minecraft obviously. Nevertheless, he has recently gained more popularity due to the SMP he started, and the constant collaborations with other streamers. I have stuck to my parkour and PVP, occasionally collaborating with Wilbur and Nihachu.

"What exactly are you planning?" Asks Dream, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Don't you worry Dream. Me and George have it covered." Quackity giggles along with George. 

"We still need to know if Day is even up for it." Dream says, trying to kill their joy. I won't let that happen so I quickly buy 50 Tier 1 subs for George and type a reply:

'Hi Pogchamps! I am most definitely up for whatever you're planning :)'

As George reads my message out loud, Quackity screams with joy and George joins him. They seem to get to work straight away as they leave the SMP and start a fresh server. Dream only groans before leaving the stream. I wonder just how scared he is of getting his ass beaten. 

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