Chapter 22

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"Hey, we're gonna head back home." Clay tells George, who nods back in return, sending us a suggestive smile.

"Where's everyone?" I ask him, seeing that he's the only one looking after Matt at the booth who seems to have passed out. He points to the dance floor and I make out Nikkie and Will dancing together. Not too far from them was Minx, happily dirty dancing with a random guy. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Clay asks George concerened. George looks at Matt and nods but both of us aren't buying it.

"Come with us George, we'll take Matt home." I suggest and Clay nods.

"This isn't your scene anyway." Clay adds and George finally gives in. The two guys each grab Matt and haul him out from the booth.

As the guys take Matt outside, I call us an Uber and text Nikkie that we've left so that she's not worried about us later. "He doesn't look too well." I comment, looking at his pale face.

"Yeah, he had a little too much." George chuckles lightly, adjusting Matt's hand on his shoulder.

"I'm fine." Matt slurs, stumbling a little.

"Just stand still." Clay instructs angrily, aggitated by the unnecessary movement.

"The Uber is almost here." I say, tapping my foot anxiously. Finally, the car arrives and the boys help Matt into the backseat. The boys insist that I sit in the front, and they each take a seat beside Matt. The car begins moving and I look behind to see Matt's eyes slowly shutting as the car lulls him to sleep. I look over at Clay who sends me a warm smile and reaches his hand over to take mine. I feel butterflies flutter in my stomach and look back at Matt when he suddenly calls out my name.

"We're almost home." I say softly and look over at George who was busy texting on his phone. When the car comes to a stop, the guys drag Matt out and we begin making our journey up to our floor. After a short journey in the lift, we're finally outside of Matt's house. I fish his keys out of his pocket and open the door.

"Okay take him into his bedroom." I say as I turn on the lights. The boys drag him into his bedroom and slowly place him on the bed. He immediately lies down and throws up on his sheets.

"Oh God!" I wince and sit him up again. Clay helps me lead him into the bathroom and we sit him by the toilet, in case he throws up again. I walk back into the bedroom with Clay following behind.

"Thank you guys for bringing him home. I think I'll stay here and look after him tonight." I tell them and George nods.

"Bella, he can handle himself." Clay says. I turn to look at him, agitated that he doesn't seem to value Matt's health over sex.

"He just threw up over his bed." I say bluntly, "I'm staying."

"I'll stay too then." Clay insists and I shake my head.

"Clay it's fine, I can do it myself."

"I know you can. I want to help." Clay persists. I shoot him a grateful smile and we say goodbye to George who leaves not long after.

I take off Matt's sheets and put them into the washing machine. I then replace them with fresh sheets which were luckily laying on top of Matt's nightstand. I walk into the bathroom to check on Matt who was now gently snoring against the toilet bowl, I stifle a giggle and go back to the living room to look for Clay. He managed to find a large bowl that we could use for a sick bowl, and he proudly brings it to me. I kiss his cheek and then we walk back into the bathroom.

"Matt." I gently shake him awake. His eyes flutter open, still clouded with alcohol. Clay passes me a water bottle and I hand it to Matt. He gratefully takes it from me and drinks a bit. "I need you to stand up." I tell him and he nods. Clay and I help him stand up and we slowly lay him down in his bed. Luckily Matt quickly falls back to sleep, letting Clay and I leave him in peace.

We quietly walk back into his living room and flop down on the sofa. Clay wraps his arm around me while I lean my head against his shoulder. We sit in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company.

"Hey, Bella." Clay speaks up.


"I think I might be," He pauses.

"You might be what?" I ask, pulling away to look at Clay.

He starts to fidget with his hands as we gaze into each other's eyes. "Getting tired. I think we should get some sleep." He says after a while. I nod and kiss his cheek.

"I think we should stay over, just in case something happens to Matt." I tell Clay while I grab the blankets from across the room. Clay just nods and takes off his jacket. I look over to see him still wearing the tight black button-up shirt and his dark wash jeans. "Do you want to borrow some of Matt's clothes?" I ask him with a small smile.

"Nah, I'll be fine." Clay says, trying to get comfortable on the sofa. I giggle and throw a blanket at him. I walk into Matt's room and snoop around his wardrobe. I successfully find some grey joggers and a loose top. I come back into the living room to see that Clay has laid out all the blankets and pillows for us to sleep on. I smile at him and pass him the clothes.

"Thanks Bell." He smiles and takes the clothes.

"I'll be right back." I say and make my way back to my flat to change into some comfier clothes. I take off my make-up and wash my face before putting on some black joggers and a hoodie. Then I return back to Matt's apartment, locking the door behind me. Dramatically, I jump onto Clay who just chuckles at me. He pulls the blanket over us as I get comfy next to him. We face each other, one of Clay's hands under his head and the other stroking my hair.

"You're so gorgeous." He whispers, making me blush. He gently pulls my head forward and we meet in a sweet kiss. Clay deepens the slow kiss, making my heart start to race at the emotions we're communicating. I pull away for some air and stare into Clay's green eyes.

"I'm sorry the night didn't go as planned." I say softly, feeling guilty that I dragged Clay into staying here with me.

"I don't care what we do as long as I'm with you, Princess." He murmurs gently, leaning in for another kiss. The same passion and speed continue in the following kisses, both of us savoring the moment of vulnerability we're sharing.

When we pull away, I lean against Clay's chest and slowly drift to sleep to the sound of his racing heartbeat.

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