Chapter 24

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The next morning, I wake up snuggled up with Clay. I smile to myself as I feel him stir in his sleep. I look up at him and watch his eyes slowly open. "Good morning." He smiles at me, hugging me tighter. 

"Morning." I smile, giving him a peck. 

"Are you busy today?" He asks me, stroking my hair. I think about whether I have any plans today and shake my head, causing him to smile widely. 

"Great, let's get ready then." He says and jumps out of bed. I furrow my eyebrows as I watch him take out some fresh clothes and walk into his bathroom, turning on his shower. I stretch and after a few minutes, get out of his warm bed. I walk over to his kitchen and look into his fridge. I notice some bacon and decide to cook it up with some eggs. Clay walks into his kitchen with wet hair, wearing a hoodie and some joggers. He gives me a hug from behind while I finish frying the bacon. He gives me a kiss on the cheek, "It smells really good." He says to me happily, causing me to smile.

I finish making the breakfast and Clay goes to sit down at the table, scrolling on his phone and answering tweets. I take our plates and bring them to the table, sitting down beside him. "What are you planning?" I ask him when he sets his phone down to eat.

"Something fun." He answers and takes a bite of the bacon. 

"Tell me." I whine and he shakes his head, chuckling. 

"Be patient Princess." 


"Come on Bella!" Clay calls from my living room. 

"One sec!" I shout back and quickly brush through my hair. I've been getting ready for the past 20 minutes, but Clay is making it seem like it's been hours. I walk into my living room, wearing joggers and a hoodie, a tote bag in my hand with clothes to change into when we arrive to the secret destination. I see Clay laying on my sofa, doing something on his phone. He looks at me from behind his phone and smiles. He springs up from the sofa and takes my hand into his, quickly rushing me outside of my door. I lock it and then Clay drags me quickly outside of the apartment complex. 

He holds my hand as he leads me through the busy streets of people. We turn the corner and begin walking into a parking garage. I furrow my eyebrows and look up at Clay, "What are we doing here?" I ask, confused. Clay stays silent and stops when we get to a red truck. He lets go of my hand and fishes out a key from his pocket. He dangles it in front of his face smiling and my mouth drops. "Clay, what are you planning?" I ask him again, as he opens the truck. He holds the door open for me and I get inside. He walks over to the driver's side and gets in with a smile on his face. 

"Let's go, baby." He says, ignoring my question and turns the engine on.


Clay and I sing along to different songs on the radio for the majority of the ride, enjoying each other's company. We stop occasionally to get petrol or extra snacks but for the most part, we're just driving. Clay is still yet to tell me where we're heading but I gathered that we're heading south from the direction signs on the road.

"Clay, are we going to Brighton?" I ask him while the adverts are playing through the radio.

"We've passed Brighton by now honey." He says, the pet name naturally rolling off his tongue. My cheeks redden, however, and I turn my head to stare outside of my window to hide them from him. I watch all the other cars behind us as Clay overtakes and wonder where they're all going.

Soon enough the radio returns and I see the sign, Welcome to Southampton. I furrow my eyebrows and turn to Clay who's smiling widely. "Why are we here?" I ask, looking at all the buildings and people around.

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