Chapter 17

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The next morning I wake up to the sound of my doorbell. I get up from my bed, my head pounding, and my mind blank from the events of last night. I walk over to my door and open it. There stands Matt, dressed in a nice shirt and black jeans, holding a rose. I raise my eyebrows and look at him with a confused expression. 

"Did you forget about our date?" He asks, making me furrow my eyebrows even more. He chuckles and hands me the flower that I take gratefully. 

"Why don't you come over to mine when you're ready?" He suggests and I nod. He kisses my cheek and walks away, leaving me stunned in my doorway.  I force myself to walk back into my apartment and I take a few painkillers. After a few minutes, my headache subsides and I start getting ready. I put on some jeans and a nice top, putting a leather jacket over the top. I then throw my hair up into a ponytail and brush my teeth. 

When I'm ready, I head over to Matt's room, 2 doors down. I ring the doorbell and Matt opens the door with a smile. He invites me in and leads me into the living room. I take a seat on his sofa and Matt takes a seat beside me. He sits uncomfortably close to me, making me worry about what might have happened last night. 

"I ordered the Nando's, I figured you'd want to stay home." He tells me and I thank him. He wraps his arm around me and starts rubbing my arm. I cringe slightly and take my jacket off, trying to get his hand off of me. Thankfully, he retracted his arm and moved away from me slightly.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" He asks me and I shake my head. He bites his lip and sighs. 

"Well, we kissed." He tells me and my eyes widen.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry." I say guiltily, "I don't want to give you the wrong idea."

"No, no. It's okay. It was just a drunk kiss. No stress." He says, forcing a smile. An awkward silence falls and I start fiddling with my hands. Luckily his doorbell rings not long after and he gets up to answer the door. He comes back a minute later holding a bag. 

"Your first Nando's is here." He says with a smile and the atmosphere relaxes. We fall into a nice rhythm with our jokes and I instantly relax. We start playing some games and I get the feeling that Matt and I can become really good friends.  

After a couple of hours, I decide that it's time for me to head home. I thank him for the food and the company. We both agree to forget about the previous night, erasing it from our minds. After a hug goodbye, I make my way back to my apartment.


I sit on my sofa, watching Nikkie's stream just scrolling through Twitter on my phone. A notification shakes me out of my trance and I press on it, seeing it's a message from George.

Gogy <3

hi bellaaaaa

hi lol

so u know u owe me a favour?

no i dont

yeah for helping u 

i thought u were being kind for once :(


yeah fine what do u want

dinner today at 6 my house :)
with will and nikkie might i add

omg finally ur house!
definitely count me innnn :)))) 

ill send u the cords lol


I laugh at his weird joke and soon enough receive a text with his address. I look at the time and see I have 3 hours to get ready. I stretch and turn off Twitch, instead, putting on some music. I decide to take a shower to freshen up and get ready. 

After my shower, I dry my hair and sit on my bed in my towel for a bit, thinking about Matt. He was a really nice and sweet guy. We had a lot in common, and he was really funny too. I wanted to like him, I really did. But I couldn't help my mind drifting to Clay, and comparing how I felt with him to how I feel with Matt. Matt was sweet and made me blush but Clay did so much more than that. Even though I haven't kissed Clay, I felt that the tension between us was much fiercer than between Matt and me. 

I shake my head, clearing my thoughts, and get up from my bed. I hear my phone ring and see it's my Mum. 

"Hello." I chirp.

"Hi sweetie! How are you?" She asks me. I hear the faint sound of my sister laughing with Savannah in the background, bringing a smile to my face. 

"I'm good thanks Mum, first night alone was nice." I tell her.

"I'm glad. I can't wait to come see it soon, with all the furniture." 

"It's almost all done now, you could come round tomorrow for some breakfast?" I suggest.

"That would be lovely darling, we'll definitely come over. Maybe without Hailey, she's cranky in the morning." She laughs, causing me to giggle too.

After about an hour of chatting, I see the time on my clock turn to 5:00 PM. "Alright mum, I have to go now. I'm going to dinner with my friends." I tell her.

"Okay, have fun. See you tomorrow!" She says and we hang up. I set my phone down and walk back into my bathroom. I do my make-up, deciding to spice it up a bit. When I finish, I feel pretty for the first time in a while. Then I curl my hair into gentle waves and finish with some hairspray. 

Once I'm out of the bathroom, I walk over to my closet and take out a black miniskirt and a long sleeve top. I sprit myself with perfume and put on my shoes. Before I leave I grab a small handbag and put my phone in it, along with lipgloss and my keys. I walk around my room one last time to make sure that I have everything. Satisfied, I leave my house locking the door. 

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