Chapter 4

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Six months, a whole six months of Tim plunging whole heartedly into this lead. Trying to pick up any pattern too bad it took many many more murders. He was working as much as he could at the Bat computer while chugging coffee and eating way too many espresso donuts. Batman decided to start patrolling again with Robin. Yet I didn't, couldn't, stop drinking, I wanted the lead to be true but part of me assumed it was too late to fix anything,

"Jason." Tim's voice carried clearly through the phone, "I found his next strike." Relief flooded from his tone,

"How in the world, Tim?" I asked pulling my hand to my face,

"Well it wasn't easy but I-"

"Nevermind." I waved,

"Look, I'm unable to explain to you but please-"

"Tim, I don't know."

"I've worked six months to track his movements, so trust me."

"I'm tying..."

"He would never lose hope on you." Tim uttered leaving me absolutely speechless, "Just meet me at the Gotham docks, warehouse sixty-two, at midnight." He hung up. Just like that.

Eleven o'clock and I was at the bar drinking the strongest drink they had while Roy sat at my side with a water,

"I just don't know anymore. It's almost been a year. What if we find someone we don't remember?" I expressed my concerns with one of my most dearest friends,

"I know, I know, I shouldn't be that way, he would never give up on me, I mean he has never!" I took a swig, "I just can't help but be concerned."

"He's not going to hate you." Roy boldly stated seeing right past my fale concern. I stared at him for a moment or two,

"What if he does, just look at what I've become." I gestured to the drink in my hand. Roy fell silent until he finished his water then he sighed,

"If I know anything about Dick Grayson it's that he's a very forgiving guy." He said with a firm hold on my shoulder. While I sat with my drink he got up throwing in his jacket and leaving. That didn't make me feel better, what did Roy know? He's a dad, he tells lies all the time.


Red Robin was waiting for me on the roof over a big skylight where we snooped in on a quite large meeting between mafia members. They spoke of new ways to get drugs into orphanages and juvenile detention facilities, sick. I almost threw up in my mouth. Sounds like something I'd kill over,

"You don't know how much work it took me to get this information, don't mess this up." Tim whispered violently, "or I swear you'll wish you never came back from the dead." His words, though I hate to admit it, gave me shivers and even sobered me up a little. 

We watched for a moment before Tim pointed to the rafters where two men snuck over the meeting. One was in an orange and black mask with a katana on his back, he was larger than the other man who I assumed to be Dick. He wore a tight all black suit with the only smidge of color being orange accents he and there. He wore a domino mask and his hair was shaggy. His skin, pale in contrast to his usual golden glow. He seemed thinner too. He and the other man creeped up to the edge, Dick seemed to want to go ahead and take off though the larger man stopped him with a firm grip on his upper arm causing Dick to snap his head back to the other man with a glare. The other man seemed to be speaking lowly but angrily at him, it looked to be pretty bad when I noticed Dick wince at him. Dick then turned and crept back up to the side. All while the other man looked him up and down from behind. I shifted uncomfortably waiting for Tim's plan,

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