Chapter 14

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"Thanks for joining us." Bruce pointed the disheveled Dick to a chair between Tim and I,

"I assume we are going to be talking about safe se-"

"Actually, Dick, we aren't." Bruce cut Dick's joke off before he could even finish, Bruce was very unamused and giving his glare to Dick, who just woke up, I could tell, "We're talking about Tim." Bruce crossed his arms leaning back on the desk that sat in the middle of the study, "you were grounded from patrol for low grades, I get your frustration, but going to a club?"

"Yeah, sorry." Tim slid down in his chair, embarrassed and hungover, big time,

"And next time, you two tell me, got it?" Bruce turned to Dick and I,

"Okay." Dick lied,

"Good." Bruce clapped, "alright, Tim your grounded and dismissed."

"Got it." Tim quickly fled the room leaving Bruce, Dick, and I,

"Are you two okay?" Did Bruce Wayne just ask that? I was in shock,

"I mean, I got a really good night of sleep out of the whole thing so I'd say I'm doing pretty well." Dick shrugged, chill as a cucumber, I guess those are chill, I don't know, I've got a lot on my mind, I don't need to solve the mysterious of stupid vegetables or fruit or whatever they are, I got bigger fish to fry, if people even fry fish, I always eat mine baked, I've lost track of my thoughts, haven't I?

"Jason?" Bruce snapped me back into reality, "I asked if you were okay? Damain told me about your panic attack yesterday."

"It wasn't a panic attack!" I jumped out of my seat to defend myself,

"Calm down, Jason." I felt Dick's hand on my wrist, he looked nervous at my sudden expression of emotion. I left, I wasn't going to have this conversation in front of Bruce, I wasn't giving him the satisfaction of seeing me in this state, he wasn't going to see me struggle because I was Jason freaking Todd. Dick followed me out all the way to my room where he shut the door behind himself,

"Talk to me, Jay." Dick folded his arms waiting for an answer,

"I-I don't know." My body seated itself onto my bed, defeated, "I just remember it felt like thirty seconds not thirty minutes yet it felt like three hours not thirty hours." I tried to explain, thinking I sounded like an idiot but he looked like he understood pretty well,

"Why did it happen?" Dick questioned a question that made me a little frustrated, couldn't he see?

"You can't be serious?" I dropped my brows,


"Dick, last night you were drug away from me and there was nothing I could do about it." I finally emptied my chest,


"It just brought me right back to the day you were taken from me. And I was there, just helpless, frozen-"


"It was hard on me, Dick. When someone you love is taken, and hurt, and abused, and broken, and-"

"Jason." Dick finally broke through to me, getting me to shut up, he kneeled down in front of me wiping the tears from my face, "Don't worry about it, okay? I'm alright everything worked out, Damain swooped in and saved us, it's all good, okay?"

"What if I freeze up again?"

"There won't be any again, I promise you that."

"You can't promise that."

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