Chapter 5

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That evening I found Dick in the cave looking at the giant dinosaur and other huge tokens,

"I wanted to say sorry." He spoke up, I didn't realize he knew I was right behind him,

"Huh?" I questioned stepping next to him as his eyes met mine,

"I'm sorry about earlier." He repeated,

"Oh, no problem, it's fine, I'm chill." I rambled lies. I was hurt, I was hurt because my big brother was hurt and not confiding in me,

"Dick," I started taking my gaze to my shoes, "you know you can tell me anything, right?" 

"Of course, but Jason, I assure you I'm fine." He smiled brightly. I wanted to believe him so badly,

"What Damian said earlier, I-"

"He already apologized." Dick informed me, "not that it matters." He stuck his hands in his pockets, "I was an assassin, I did bad things, I can't change that."

"It wasn't your fault you were forced to." I defended, "plus, all the people you killed, they were murderers and bad people anyhow."

"No excuses. I still did it." He turned his glassy eyes to me, "I did it but I hated it, I hated it so bad." He concluded before Bruce's voice filled the room,

"Dick, let's train!" He said moving to the fancy shmancy boxing ring that we sparred in. Dick's face fell into a grimace. He caught me looking and gave a little smile before following Bruce's voice I kept up. I brought myself to sit outside the ring as Dick uncomfortably stood ready against Bruce,

"Is this necessary?" Dick questioned,

"I just want to gage where you're at." Bruce responded solemnly. Bruce took note of Dick's thin exterior before charging forward immediately throwing a punch at Dick who quickly ducked and at the same time brought his foot to Bruce's jaw hitting him harshly,

"Good one." Bruce growled. Dick didn't crack a smile at Bruce's rare complement, he only assumed a fighting position. Bruce came at him again in a flurry of attacks which Dick dodged and blocked most of except the few that pushed him back into the ropes. Dick quickly bounced back doing a flip over Bruce before kicking Bruce's back into the ropes. Dick then laid out some punches,

"Stop messing around Dick, surley Deathstroke thought you better." He teased as Dick's face flushed of color,

"Can we not talk about it." He uttered before taking a hit,

"What? Did he kick your butt too?" Bruce honestly had a smirk on his face. He didn't usually tease like this but he wasn't only gauging Dick's physical skills, he was gauging Dicks emotional trauma. I expected those kinds of comments from me, not Bruce. Dick was frustrated now, not outright but I could tell by his breathing patterns and red cheeks. Bruce reared back and threw a strong punch hoping it would be the one to knock Dick out. Only to be shocked when Dick caught his heavy punch so effortlessly. Dick swung his leg around in a kick that sent Bruce tumbling out of the ring. From near where I was sitting Bruce sat up with a groan,

"How in the world?" He asked, rubbing his head. Dick didn't break his look of discomfort he definitely didn't seem proud of himself or pat himself on the back rather he simply got out of the ring as fast as he could,

"Sorry." He said under his breath while rubbing the back of his neck due to the awkwardness of it all. I was beyond shocked, so beyond that my chair slid out from under me and I fell on my butt without once taking my eyes of Dick. I'd never seen someone catch the Batman's K.O. punch like that. After Dick left I began giggling hysterically like a kid at Bruce before he smacked me on the back of the head before walking off,

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