Chapter 13

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"geez, Dick." I quickly helped him up to his feet but his dizziness didn't subside.

"Mmm, I'm fine." Dick pushed me off him though I felt no resistance from him, his push did nothing.  I took a step away to give him space, "I'm fine." He repeated with this fragile voice. He rubbed his eyes trying to regroup, "Lets just leave." 

"Are you sure you're okay?" I protested,

"Yeah, Jason, I'm actually doing really amazing, thank you." He sighed finishing off a drink before putting his hands to his knees, "Actually, I think I just got roofied?" He got a confused look on his face as his own tongue swabbed his mouth, "Yeah, that's the stuff." He deduced nonchalantly,

"Who?" I whipped myself around to see the group of girls,

"This is why we don't take drinks offered to us."Tim lectured Dick while I looked around,

"Okay, I didn't figure someone would tamper with it." Dick defended,

"This is also why we can't take you anywhere." Tim rolled his eyes,

"What's that supposed to mean?" Dick reeled back, slowly becoming more and more sluggish as the drugs began working,

"You're like a danger magnet."

"well that's not my fault." Dicks words all slurred together as he started to sway his blinking slowed and he breathed deeply, "Just take me home."

"I just want to know who." I was still looking the girls, watching for one to look over,

"Jason, come on, take me home." Dick pleaded grabbing my arm,

"Give me a minute!" I yelled back pushing him away,

"What are you guys doing here?" Roy was standing by Tim all the sudden,

"Could ask you the same too." I retorted turning my attention to Roy while Dick put his forehead on my shoulder trying to keep standing,

"I'm on a mission."

"All the way in Gotham-" Just as I said it the power shut off and a gasp erupted in the crowd,

"On no." I heard Dick utter knowing he wasn't any any shape to be fighting. Roy, Tim, and I all began to look about but the darkness was overwhelming making everyone look like silhouettes while the quiet crowd began to rumble around,

"Everyone, get low." I whispered to Roy, Tim, and Dick. We slowly squatted down and began to sneak over to the wall, Dick using me for support as he trudged along. when we all regrouped at the wall I searched for an exit place,

"I think I'm going to be sick." Tim mumbled,

"I swear, if you throw up I'm going to kill you." Roy hissed,

"Shut up, both of you." I mouthed before listening to the footsteps making their way across the silent club. Yes, this was Gotham, everyone knew to be silent when in the midsts of villains and mob bosses,

"Jason, I-." Dicks hushed voice cut out as I felt his body being pulled from mine. I froze, not again, not again, not again, I couldn't move, I couldn't. my mind, just repeating the night, on the rooftop, Dick being pulled form my grasp as I was unable to do anything, over and over and over again, It replayed. Some twisted purgatory I was in. My heart, I thought it would beat out of my chest and splat out on the floor. I was once again unable to save him, when he needed me most, I was paralyzed and now I was again. Paralyzed squatted against the wall of some old club,

"Jason!" Someone shook me, by my shoulders. They sounded concerned. I shook my head to clear my sight and mind. My haze lifted, Tim was kneeling in front of me holding my shoulders and staring deeply into my eyes, "Are you okay?" He asked as I began to look around. The lights were on, the club was empty except for the tied up villains being taken away by the police. my eyes found Roy helping Dick up off the dance floor and Robin talking with the police men and police women, 

"What happened?" I muttered rubbing my eyes,

"Robin swooped in and took out the bad guys. You've been sitting on the floor for like thirty minutes." Tim's words made my eyes go wide,

"thirty minutes?"

"Yeah, I've been trying to get you to come to for a minute now. What happened?"

"I-I don't know..." I turned away,

"Whatever it was zoned you out big time, Jason."

"And like I said, I dont know what happened." I bit at him angrily. I didnt like him pressing on the wound, looking for issues, I was fine, I think?

"Let's go home." he stood up and gave me a hand, "Bruce is going to kill me anyway might as well get it done now."

We made our way over to Roy who was helping Dick into the backseat of Dick's car. Dick kept slipping in and out of consciousness trying his best to stay awake,

"I'm taking you guys home." Roy declared,

"Thanks, but no thanks, pal, I can drive my brothers home." I defended putting my hands up for him to back off,

"No way, after that fiasco inside? Tim's drunk, Dick's drugged, and you completely shut down back there. I'm driving." Roy twirled the keys around his fingers and passed me to the front seat. Rolling my eyes Tim got in the backseat and me in the passenger's.

It was a silent trip back to the manor. I did nothing but stare out the window and think. Roy carried Dick through the front door as Tim slugged in behind before quickly rushing to the bathroom to throw up. I followed in last with my head hanging down feeling defeat and utter guilt. Didn't help that Bruce was standing there in the entry way watching us all with that dissapointed dad face.

Just as Tim came back from the bathroom Roy jogged down the stairs after taking Dick to his room,

"He's all tucked in, the little angel." Roy smiled with a joking wink,

"Thank you, Roy." Bruce spoke solomly as Roy left with a nod back to Bruce. Bruce then turned his attention to Tim and I who were now the only ones standing in the entry, "We're all going to have a serious talk tomorrow." He turned and left. I didn't even try to pull any of my wise guy stuff or nothing.

When I walked upstairs I passed Dick's room where he was, out like a light in his safe bed. I'm sure he was happy to be in a safe warm bed instead of with his stupid brother who seems to keep messing things up, I couldn't have just left the club when Dick wanted and avoided the whole villian's attack thing, instead my stupidity almost got him hurt.

Damian came up behind me while I watched though Dick's half open door,
"Todd, I noted you, staring at the floor in the corner while I was kicking villian butt, care to explain?" He asked in a low condescending voice while folding his arms and fixing his attention on our eldest brother,

"I'm fine, Damian."

"I'm not asking if you're fine, I'm asking why you froze up." He reiterated rather harshly,

"I don't know, just got cought up in my thoughts, it was a one time thing."

"You better hope it is."  He turned away before walking off to his room.

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