Chapter 6

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three a.m. and I've got my head resting on the bar with a drink in hand. It was me and about three or four others who were tucked off in the corners. The bartender made his way over,
"I called Roy." He informed me giving me a look of pity, 

"Mmm." I groaned. It didn't take long before Roy was trying to get my drunk butt up. He just sighed attempting to lift me from under the shoulder but the room was spinning and swaying, I couldn't get my footing for the life of me,

"Come on, Jason." He spat through clenched teeth,

"No, I don't want to go home, let's hit the clubs." I smiled weakly trying to hold my head up,

"We're not going to a club." He said in his stern dad voice, I hated it,

"Why not?" I whined,

"Because you can barely keep your head up, or your whole body for that matter."

"Yeah...well..." I attempted to argue. I slipped in his grasp on the way to the door,

"Gosh, Jason, get it together." He rolled his eyes,

"Give me some space, geez, I'll be fine. I'll walk it off." I said, trying to shrug him off. He narrowed his eyes letting me go and stepping away so I could immediately fall in my face in front of all the five people,

"I'm confused, was that walking it off or face planting?" He bent down to talk to me with that stupid smirk on his face,

"Screw you." I turned my face out to say,

"Someone's in a mood." He snickered,

"You have no idea." I sighed letting him throw me over his shoulder, fun times...that was sarcasm at the end there,

"Roy, Roy, Roy, let's go see Lian, she probably misses her uncle Jason. I'll just bunk over and it'll be like the good old days." I insisted,

"No, sorry, she doesn't need to see you like this."

"Okay then take me to my apartment."

"No, I'm taking you to the manor, I don't trust you when you're like this."

"Absolutely wasted?"

"Yes." He smirked,

"Come on, Roy, I don't want to go back there."


"Because, I don't want to cause trouble."

"Jay, I think they're used to it by now, plus I want to visit Dick, now that he's rested up."

"Bad idea." I crossed my arms still hanging off his shoulder,

"Why's that?"

"Dick's really, really, messed up." In that moment a fancy door opened,

"Hey, Dick!" Roy smiled happily at his friend. Turns out we were at the Wayne manor already. I was staring at Roy's back because of, you know, me hanging off him,  so I was unable to see Dick's expression but I could feel the surprise and disappointment mixing on his features,
"Hey, Roy." Dick let Roy through the door and up to my room where Roy practically threw me into my bed before walking over to talk to Dick in the doorway. The only light in the room was from the hall which illuminated both of them,

"It's been a minute." Dick stood with his hands in his sweat's pockets,

"It sure has, how's it being back?" Roy folded his arms and leaned on the sill,

"Not much different than before, a little more chaotic though. How's Lian?"

"She's doing great, growing everyday." Roy's face lit up, "you really need to come visit her, I'm sure she misses Uncle Dick."


"Well, I better get back, but to warn you, Jason's in one of those moods." Roy warned, pointing through his hand at me. My vision was beginning to blur as I began to black out but the last thing I heard was Dick saying,

"I've noticed." 


I'm not lying! I'm not exaggerating! I woke up to freaking Damian slamming pots together to smash my eardrums and Tim throwing my curtains open to let the blistering sun melt my eyeballs. And I'm not lying when I say, I flopped like a fish to cover my ears with my pillow and hide my eyes in my blankets,

"The heck are you two doing!" I yelled when they stopped and I could remove my sound and light barriers. I was about to get up when I looked to see Dick peak his head into my room with a concerned look,

"Is everything okay?" He asked shyly,

"Yes, everythings fine." I sat up with a large, fake, but large smile. Tim and Damian gave me a look of disgust. I just wanted Dick to think I was a nice person, who definitely wasn't about to chase my two idiot younger brothers  around with a baseball bat. Dick shot a square smile before heading off go the kitchen I assume,

"And to think Grayson used to be the one to orchestrate these kinds of operations." Damian shook his head and said, once Dick was out of earshot,

"It's going to take him some time to settle." Tim deduced,

"Yeah, well, he should be plenty comfortable around us, right Todd?" Damian stood with his stern face and hands on his hips, in fists,

"Uh, I don't know." I scratched my head, everything was just so wrong,

"I'm determined to break this shell. We all shall do something fun today, together." Damian declared with a stomp,

"Like what?" Tim put his hand on his waist and leaned into his hip,

"I don't know, give me ideas."

 "Coffee shop? We can sit and talk."

"If there is anything Dick doesn't want to do, it's talk." I remarked, "it has to be something engaging but not overwhelming."

"Laser tag!" Damian triumphantly posed,

"Yeah, no-" Bruce suddenly walked past the door and shot down the idea without even stopping,

"No guns, remember." Tim added before rolling his head over to me, I shrugged at his 'but somebody couldn't help but get killed then come back from the dead and shoot the guns, Bruce told us over and over not to shoot' expression he was giving me,

"Okay, what about the zoo?" I voiced an idea getting both their faces to turn to harsh judgment,
"What are you freaking five?" Tim uttered as I jumped up from my bed and he from my desk seat where he had been sitting since Bruce walked by,

"Todd, Drake, keep your heads, we are doing this for Grayson, we do not have time to argue." Damian, for once, actually deescalated the situation,

"Okay, then what?" Tim threw himself back into the seat with a sigh,
"How about we take Grayson to-"

"The Wayne charity gala this evening." Bruce once again interrupted while stepping through the door, "which you are all expected to appear at."

"But bruuuuuccc-" Tim started. None of us kids were fond of those big events for many reasons,
"-I don't want to hear it. Plus this event is a good way to tell the public Dick Grayson has returned from his studies abroad." Bruce gave a smirk before heading out the door,

"I guess we're going to a gala." I sighed, slamming my pillow into my face.

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