Chapter 7

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That night we were right outside the party in another room all us boys adjusting our bowties and fixing our hair. We took our deep breaths then opened the doors allowing the public to see us. Tim and Damian quickly were able to dodge out to the corners while Dick and I were less fortunate for about thirty minutes, he and I went around visiting and talking with the guests. When there was a space in which Dick and I were alone admits the crowd and no one was avidly talking to us I noticed from the corner of my eye him bring his hand to his stomach as he stopped in his tracks for a second, swaying a bit,

"Are you okay?" I asked turning to him,

"Yeah, just a little dizzy, must be all the commotion." He shrugged playing it off,

"Or maybe because you haven't eaten all day." I uttered drawing his eyes,

"What?" He lowered his voice to a whisper with surprise,

"I'm not going to pretend I didn't notice you slowly pawning your food off today at breakfast and skipping lunch, and finding a way to miss dinner, I'm not an idiot." I violently whispered, "you've been doing that this whole time and when you do eat you throw it up."

He rolled his eyes at me then joined a conversation,

"So where did you go for these studies, Richard?" An older woman asked as her and her friends circled around him and I,

"I was in-" He began as my impulsiveness took over,

"Europe." I butted in wishing to speed up the conversation to get it over with,
"And what were you doing there?" Another friend of this elder lady asked,

"I was-" Dick started to speak,

"He was studying architecture and aesthetics." I chimed in again as he backed off,

"Oh really, that's amazing." They all began to nod, they were impressed. I had hurried it up for him so we could find him some food. I had been seeing the weariness take effect in his body for a little while now,

 "Hey, Dick." Bruce called us over, well called Dick over but I of course followed, "I want you to meet Seth Wearson, he's one of the biggest sponsors for Haly's circus." Bruce introduced a tall man with broad shoulders and pitch black hair, his eyes though were steel blue. He reached out giving Dick a firm handshake. Seth smiled, looking very friendly yet Dick was frozen staring at his face. Dick let go of Seth's hand and brought them stiffly to his sides,

"Nice to meet you, Richard, Bruce has been telling me a little about your story and I have to say I find it quite interesting." Seth said, Dick didn't say anything he just stared with his face going pale,

"Dick, say something?" I whispered to him from behind his shoulder,

"You good, kid?" Bruce asked, putting his hand on Dicks shoulder only to have Dick flinch away and begin stepping back, still in a daze,

"No- I mean, yes, I'm fine." He said as though a trance had overtaken him. I was beginning to fear he'd pass out. And just when I thought he would Dick's eye rolled up and he fell straight down. Gasps filled the room one being Bruce's as he kneeled down next to his son on the floor,

"Dick?" Bruce asked when a groan left Dick's lips he slowly opened his eyes to a spinning room, I'm sure. He looked around for a second before noting everyone looking down at him, sprawled out on the ballroom floor,

"I'll take him to get some water." I quickly brought his light body to his feet and brought him out of the room to the venue's kitchen. There was two or three other people working in the kitchen but it was so big and they didn't seem to mind us just being in the far corner,

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