Chapter 11

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Weeks rolled by and every patrol me and Dick were out having the time of our lives flipping around buildings, busting crime, you know, the job. We were a team again, a better one, with mutual understanding. I learned to talk though my anger rather than explode and Dick learned to talk through his anxieties and when something triggered a memory. It wasn't always easy but we worked through it, together.


"Tim! You're failing three classes!" I heard Bruce's muffled voice behind Tim's closed door while I was walking down the hall. I wanted to laugh, just a little,

"So what?" He retorted, making me jump and throw my ear onto the door. Did he really just say that? To Bruce?

"You have responsibilities. To your education and to this family. Put in the work. Until I see the grades go up you're benched from patrol."

"Come on, Bruce that's ridiculous. I'll get my grades up but don't bench me." Tim protested,

"You obviously can't handle all these responsibilities so I feel this is for the best." Bruce shot down Tim's protest, "The faster the grades go up, the faster your back in the field."

"Whatever." Tim murmured. I heard Brice step toward the door I was up against. Quickly as I could I ran off into the closest bedroom to hide in. Bruce came out of Tim's room and proceeded past the room I was in and downstairs,

"What are you doing in here, Todd?" I heard an annoying voice behind me, it was the demon spawn himself, laying on his bed, with his laptop, I assume doing homework,

"Nothing, Demon- Damian." I corrected myself looking back out the door, making sure no one saw me, lurking about,

"Well, does this doing of nothing have to be done in my quarters?" Damian sighed. I rolled my eyes at his tone,

"I'm leaving, geez." I backed off into the hall when Dick passed by,

"Afternoon, Jay." Dick smiled brightly at me, holding a box, an ominous box, I glared at the box,

"What do you have there, Dickie?"

"Box." He uttered looking down at it then back to me,

"Oh." I responded, calmly, as though that answered my question,

"It's pictures."

"Pictures of what?"

"Nudes." He said with a dead serious look

"What?" I recoiled, horrified,

"Just kidding, gosh Bruce needed them." He broke into a laugh, "I'm not that much of a hoe." He got a look of awkwardness, "am I?" He said a little nervous,

"Well…." I began scratching the back of my head, awkwardly. I turned to Damian who, while still staring at his screen, lifted his hand flat and teetered it left and right, 

"Thanks, Dami." Dick rolled his eyes,
"Anywho, disregarding my shady love life, these are photos from when I was Robin all the way until you died then everything was digitized." He said so nonchalantly as if that was totally normal, while staring at the box, "oh well, guess you got to change with the times." He brought his head up to look at me before shrugging,

"I want to see these photos." Damian perked up. Dick and I walked over and sat on his bed. Dick took a deep breath before opening the old box. We all immediately reached in and grabbed an album each. We all looked around for a while at the good old days,
"My word, Dick, you were like nine in this one." I said absolutely surprised at how young he was,

"That was after my first run in with the Joker." He laughed, looking at the old photo of him with a wide smile on his face, "I beat the crap out of him."

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