Chapter 12

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A few hours past, patrol was over pretty quickly that night, at least for us boys, Bruce was still out doing some recon, it was around twelve or so when I popped my head in Damian's room,

"Hey, let's all watch a movie tonight." I tried to cheer the boy up, he just looked so blue though he tried not to, -Hear that rhyme? Should I be a rapper? Or a poet? Rapper definitely- where was I, oh yes, poor Damian. I mean he was a pain in my butt all the time, but I still hated to see him actually feeling left out, it felt...uncool.

I got him to go downstairs, get some popcorn, and snacks, Dick picked a movie, and I was going to see really quick if Tim wanted to join. This consisted of me knocking, more like slamming, my fist onto his door three times shouting, "Timbo, It's movie time, loser!" Then getting no reply. I then shrugged and headed back downstairs.


Dick put on some random comedy, I think trying to raise his spirits after he accidentally got depressed looking at old photos. Damian sat nestled into Dick's side. And I ate way too much popcorn through the whole movie, as usual. Tim never came down, I hoped he was okay, Bruce seemed pretty mad earlier and so did Tim. A buzz of a phone brought me from my thoughts while Dick answered,

"Slow down, Kori, Conner told you Tim was where?" Dick sat up on the couch with concern growing on his face, "But that's illegal."

My eyes grew ten sizes, illegal? What could Tim have done? He wasn't a bad kid, a little annoying but not bad,

"Okay, thank you for calling me, Kori, I'll take care of it." Dick hung up. Damian and I were sitting up waiting for news with anxious faces. Dick was a little dumbfounded as he turned to us, "Tim's at a club."

"A club?" I dropped my jaw, "he has a fake ID?"

"I don't know, Kori said that Conner saw him in the back of one of his friend's snap stories." Dick explained standing up and heading for his jacket,

"We should tell father." Damian stated standing up from his seat as I stood up from mine,

 "I'm going to go get him." Dick picked up his keys, "Bruce is by no means allowed to know." He turned his gaze to Damian,

"But, Tim is breaking rules?"

"But he's also our brother." I say grabbing my jacket next,

"If you're both going then I want to go too." Damian whined,

"Sorry, Dami you can't get into the club." Dick informed before heading out the door. Damian got sulky as he folded his arms,

"Sorry." I uttered next before shutting the door behind me.

Dick drove furiously, "I can't believe him, he could really get hurt." He shook his head with disappointment, "I mean, what's he trying to prove?"

"You know you turn into such a worried older brother." I chuckled gaining a serious look from Dick,

"This isn't funny, Jason." He refocused his eyes in the road,

"Look, I'm just as worried as you, Dick, but Tim is getting older-"

"-He's sixteen!"

"Okay, you have a point there." I agreed. We continued in silence until we arrived.


Immediately upon entry we were enthralled by the club atmosphere, just showing how long it had been since Dick and I went to a club together as two handsome bachelors. Now we had been out of the game for so long everyone probably forgot about u-

"Oh, hey Dick!" Some girl immediately recognized my, dare I say, dashing older brother and quickly whisked him away to a group of girls who were absolutely swooning over him offering to buy him drinks and all that jazz,

"Fine, I'll find Tim myself." I mumbled to myself, totally not jealous of the attention Dick was getting, but whatever.

I began my search through the dance floor searching for some long haired, pale, teenager. It took all of around ten minutes of wading through a bunch of grinding couples soon to be one night standers. The loud music also didn't help nor did the strobe lights but I guess I signed up for this when I came along. Finally i saw Tim and made my way over to him. I put my hand on his shoulder as he swung around to face me about to spill his drink

"Explain yourself, now." I crossed my arms and used my tallness to intimidate him,

"Yo bro!!!" He got a happy look on his face as he took my arm and gave me one of those handshake half hug things, all I could say was,

"What the f-"

"Tim!" Dick interrupted, limping over with a drunk girl holding onto his leg, I'm not joking, I think she was crying. other girls were not far behind trying to get his attention and handing him shots left and right. He of course, being the gentleman he was took the shots like a champ, "What do you think you're doing at a club?" He folded his arms acting like there wasn't a bunch of girls swarming him. I was getting really jealous, good old golden boy always did have a way with the women, but there was a downside called angry boyfriends.

"Yo bro!!!" Tim, clearly drunk, did the same thing he did to me to Dick,

"What the..." Dick murmuerd looking down at his hand, he was just as confused as I was, "Are you drunk?"

"As a skunk." Tim raised his glass accidentally flinging his drink out of the cup and all over me, "oops." He laughed,

"Great, let's go home." I urged, rolling my eyes at my stained white shirt,

"Umm, no, Bruce is being unreasonable." Tim sassed,

"Tough luck, I am too." I grabbed his arm and yanked him with me,

"Jason, you jerk, let me go, I'm having a great time!" Tim protested,

"Not happening." I stated before something really hit my eyes, like smashed into them. It made me duck and take cover behind Tim,

"Um, Jason." Tim stopped in his tracks, "I don't think-"

"Shut up, Tim!" I whispered violently from behind his shoulder,

"Are you hiding from someone?"


"Mind telling me who-" Tim then noticed, "Roy?"

"Yes!" I said staring at Roy who was near the front if the club at the bar section. Right along the path out, my luck exactly.

"But he's your buddy."

"Don't ever say it like that again."   I threatened,

"Why are you avoiding him?"

"I'm not, but if he sees me here, covered in beer, he'll flip out." I said pulling tim backwards, "Let's find Dick maybe he can sneak us out in a group of girls."

When I found Dick he was dancing with all of them, trying to entertain them but I could see in his eyes and fake smile he was ready to leave. Tim and I immediately began waving our hands in the air to get his attention. In the midst of all the commotion he escaped the girls back over to Tim and I,

He looked fairly disoriented as he stepped over to us. His body swayed left then right as his eyes would slam closed for a second then open wide like he was in a mind fog,

"I've had way too many shots." He smiled up at us before it faded,

"You don't look so hot, Dickie." I raised a concerned brow at him.

His eyes began to roll back, and his body dropped onto the floor right before Tim and I.

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