Kissing another member as a prank - Minho

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"Please y/n~ Just this one time! I won't ask for anything else!" Jisung smiles excited, as his eyes sparkle.

"But uh- won't Minho get mad? You know how he doesn't like me getting touchy with any of you guys, and a kiss would definitely set something off..." you bite your lip, slightly nervous.

"But you need some thrill in your life! Pleaseee~" he clings onto your arm, and pouts.

"O-okay I guess...." you give in and sigh, playing with the hem of your shirt.

|T I M E S K I P|

Jisung had invited you, Minho, and the rest of the members to a karaoke night. Of course, the main reason being to kiss you in front of everyone, especially your boyfriend Minho.

Everyone makes it to the location and enter a room, sitting down and deciding on who goes first. It goes smoothly for 20 minutes, but then Jisung starts his plan.

"Okay, my turn!" He yells loudly. "I want to do a duet with y/n!!"

Knowing that he was going to say that, you grab one of the microphones and smile at Jisung, who already had his microphone.

He picks a random song and you tried to sing along, even though you couldn't stop laughing at how extra he was, getting up from his seat and doing random things.

The song eventually ends and he walks to you, engulfing you in a sudden hug that he didn't tell you he was going to do.

"Y/n, your voice is amazing!!" Jisung exclaims, even though you barely sang.

"Oh u-uh, thanks," you hug him back cautiously. You could already feel Minho staring at you as Jisung let go.

And then it happened.

Jisung pulled you up from your seat and tightly wrapped his arms around your waist. Your bodies almost had no space in between them as Jisung leans in and connects both of your lips.

The members gasp and look over at Minho to see his reaction. His eyes were wide and his mouth was opened, but then they turn into an amused look.

Wanting to make it look convincing, you place your hands on Jisung's shoulders and kiss back a bit rougher than you intended. Accidentally causing Jisung to let out a quiet moan.

You pull away flustered and it was obvious how embarrassed you were due to the light pink blush on your cheeks.

You look at Minho, slightly panting since you weren't able to breathe in the kiss. He raises one of his eyebrows and stands up, striding confidently towards you.

"We'll be right back," Minho tells everyone and grabs your wrist, pulling you out of the room. Once he closes the door, he pins both of your hands above your head on the wall.

"What was that, kitten?" He leans his mouth right next to your ear, his breath tickling you. "You did that on purpose didn't you?"

His deep voice sends shivers through your body and your blush returns, but even brighter than before.

"You can't even answer huh? How cute." He smirks and gently bites your neck, making you gasp. "Are you sorry for what you did? Or do I need to punish you?"

"I- I- uh... I'm... I'm sorry...." you stutter, looking down to avoid his stern gaze.

Noticing this, Minho releases one of your arms, only to pin both with one hand. His now free hand, grabs your chin and tilts it up to look at him.

"These, they belong to me and me only," his thumb brushes across your lips softly. "But not gonna lie.... seeing you kiss Jisung turned me on."

He presses his body firmly against yours, and you could feel how hard he was down there. You gulp at his actions and slightly squirm in his grip.

"No, no, no, kitten. I'm not done with you yet..." he says and immediately devours your lips.

Minho didn't go easy on you and you couldn't hold in your moans at how dominant he was.

Once your 'punishment' was over, he let's you go and pecks your lips one last time.

"I-it was a p-prank Minho...."

"Prank or not, I enjoyed it. Maybe I could share you with Jisung, but just a little bit," He winks and walks into the karaoke room as if nothing ever happened.


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