When your cat turns into a human pt.2 - Minho

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"Minho~ I'm home~" you called for him while setting your backpack on the floor. "Baby? Where are you?"

You looked around but you couldn't see him. Where was that boy?

Suddenly a pair of arms wrap around your body from behind, giving you a back hug.

You and Minho had started to date not so long after you found out he was a hybrid. It's been about a month now but you've gotten used to him switching between being a cat and a human. Who knew you would fall in love with your own pet? And not in the normal way.

He acted the same when he was a person, being all needy and wanting to be cared for all the time. Sometimes you'd forget he was a boy, and rather just your average cat. But Minho was interesting nonetheless; he'd still find ways to make you flustered. Anytime, anywhere, it didn't matter. He absolutely loved watching your face turn red and the way you got all shy. It was his favourite thing in the world.

"I've missed you," he plants a kiss on your neck, the feather-like touch tickling you. "Can we cuddle some more? I want you near me."

"I'd love to but Sihyun's coming over soon. We need to work together for a project so will you stay upstairs while we're in the living room?" You watched as his lips form into a pout, not fond of the idea.

"Why? Can't I stay down here with you and your friend?" He looks at you with sparkly eyes but you wouldn't let yourself give into his cuteness. Even if it was already working.

"No, don't try to convince me. You're going to distract me by begging for hugs and kisses," you rolled your eyes.

"But baby~" Minho says in a whiny voice, wanting you to change your mind but it was too late.

The doorbell rang, signalling that your friend was already here.

"Go upstairs now, I'll come up once we're done and then you can have all the attention you want," you pat his head, noticing how his ears twitch in excitement.


He groans one last time before going to your shared room. Once he was out of sight, you opened the door and greeted Sihyun. You both sat on the sofa and began to talk about the project, going over tiny details.

The next 30 minutes went on smoothly, too smoothly. Minho was up to something, you just knew it. There was no way he could stay this quiet without coming down and complaining. It was just a hunch, but that hunch was right.

You immediately lost your focus when you saw Minho in his cat form, walking down the stairs and towards you.

"Aww, I didn't know you had a cat!! Is it a boy or a girl?" Sihyun asks, adoring Minho as he jumped into your lap with no hesitation.

"He's a boy," you replied, holding back your anger since you knew what his plan was. "Let me go put him to sleep upstairs, he'll be a nuisance if he stays."

Minho frowns but luck didn't seem to be on your side when Sihyun stops you.

"No, no, it's fine! He can watch us and play around," she smiles and you could already imagine the smirk on his face

You sigh in defeat and continue to write down some ideas in your note book, purposely trying to ignore the cat as he wanted you to look at him.

Nothing happened for a bit until you feel him wiggle up underneath his oversized hoodie you were wearing. It would've been fine if he wasn't also under your shirt, meaning he was against your bare skin, gently licking your tummy to tease you.

"M-minho I swear if you don't stop that right now–" you whisper-yell at him but your friend giggles at how cute she thought it was, not knowing his real intentions.

"He really seems to like you."

"Yeah, adorable isn't he?" You faked a laugh before attempting to grab him and pull him out of you, but he gently bites your hand, making you yelp.

Suddenly, you feel him climb up your body until he buried his face onto your chest.

"Y-yah, Minho!" You stuttered, embarressed by him. "I'm sorry Sihyun but I'll be back."

You excused yourself before heading to your room and taking off the hoodie along with the little animal.

"Are you t-trying to make me flustered?!?" You huff, your ears burning a bright red from his recent actions.

Minho turned into a human and sat on the bed comfortably while looking at you, an amused look playing on his face.

"Hmm, maybe. Maybe not," he smiled mischievously.

"I'm going to go back to the living room and you're going to stay to here, got it?" You placed your hands on your hips, not wanting to deal with him right now.

He didn't say anything and just looked you up and down slowly. You could feel his eyes on you, like a lion hunting his prey. Getting impatient, you turned around and was about to leave until he grabbed your wrist and quickly pinned you onto the wall, your arms above your head.

"What happens if I don't listen to you?" He chuckles deeply.

"I u-uh... erm..." you couldn't form words properly since his face was way too close to yours, just the smallest movement could make your lips touch.

"I guess I'll be your naughty kitten then. Not listening to my master," he lets his finger trace your cheek, down to your chin.

Not wasting anymore time, Minho pushes his lips roughly onto yours and you couldn't resist yourself for any longer, kissing him back almost immediately. He grinned, pleased by how things turned out, until you both needed to pull apart for air.

"I still need to work on the project you know..." you couldn't meet his eyes as your shy state took over.

"Tell Sihyun to leave and you can do it tomorrow, you're all mine for today," he pecks you on the forehead with a little giggle.

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