When you get into an accident after an argument - Seungmin

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"She's just a friend, y/n, we're nothing more than that!! Why can't you understand?!" Seungmin yells at you frustrated.

"Just a friend!? You always hang out with Naeun!! It's like you forgotten all about me!!!" You hit your fists on his chest, barely even hurting him, while tears were streaming down your face.

"What happened to us? You used to care about me.... but now, you can't even show any affection!! You leave the house first thing in the morning without telling me!! Just so you could see her..." your voice was breaking slowly and your grip on his shirt tightens.

"Okay? Like you're any better. You won't stop talking about the fun times you had with the other members." He rolls his eyes and looks at you uninterested.

"I only do that because I have no one else to spend time with!! You're busy every day with her, and I can't help but get lonely!! So the members are being nice and invite me to hangout with them!!" You take a step back from him and look at his face, to only see a bored expression.

"What's wrong with you...." you mumble under your breath to yourself, but he heard it.

"What's wrong with me? You've got to be kidding me. You're overreacting. Maybe we should just break up." He scoffs, standing there annoyed.

You stare into his eyes hoping he didn't mean it but you were wrong. He really looked like he was tired of you and you couldn't handle it anymore, so you ran out of the house after mumbling "yeah... maybe we should."

You start your car and pull out of the driveway, heartbroken. "Stupid Seungmin.... does he not care?"

You couldn't believe him. He ignores you for 3 months and once you confront him about it, he tells you you're overreacting.

You start to drive around randomly, not caring where you were going, as long as it was away from him. It was hard to see infront of you since you were still crying, as well as how dark it was since it was night time.

You weren't paying attention and accidentally passed a red light, causing another car to crash into yours. You couldn't process what was happening and ended up fainting. The last thing you saw was smoke and people around you, while there was loud honking in the background.

Meanwhile, Seungmin slowly started to get worried. Sighing, he decided to call you, but you didn't pick up. Creasing his eyebrows, he continues to call your number.

"Why isn't she picking up?!" He clenched his phone in his hand and stared at the screen.

"Did I mess up? Are we really over? Maybe I should've tried to understand her.... I guess I do hangout with Naeun a bit too much...." Seungmin begins to regret his decision and couldn't stop pacing back in forth, wondering where you were.

Suddenly, his phone gets a call and he answers it relieved. "Y/n! Look I'm so sorry–"

"This isn't y/n. Her phone has been ringing for the past 30 minutes and I just wanted to answer it. If you're someone close to her, then come to the hospital at [insert address] because she got into an accident," a male voice instructs.

Wasting no time, he immediately rushes to the hospital and asks where your room was. Bursting open the door, his eyes widen at your bandaged figure laying on a bed.

"Y-y/n?" He takes a seat next to you and holds your hand, rubbing it with his thumb. "I'm really sorry.... It was all my fault and I know you can't here me but, I love you... I really love you..."

Seungmin's eyes were red and puffy. As he was talking to you, he didn't realize that you were conscious, although you kept your eyes closed to listen to him. He continued to pour his heart out, keeping his head down for the next 10 minutes.

"I was dumb... I never considered how you felt and I just– I'm so sorry y/n.... I didn't mean for you to get injured..." he glances at the cast on your leg and sees some new fresh scars on your face.


His head shoots up and he sees you smiling, trying to sit up. "Y-y/n..."

Seungmin keeps quiet for a few seconds before engulfing you in a gentle hug. His sniffles had grown louder and he tried to wipe his tears.

"I heard everything Seungmin... you really love me?" You smile, missing him.

"Yes! I do! I promise I won't do that ever again! In fact, I'll delete Naeun's number right now!" He looks at you seriously, causing you to laugh.

"I'm glad you're back." And since then, you never ever heard of Naeun again.


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