When he gets rejected by the popular girl pt.9: finale - Felix

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You stared at him, and he stared back. There was nothing but empty silence keeping you from speaking. The hands by your side were shaking violently as the hammering in your chest quickly grew louder and louder.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

Everything in the background was spinning in rapid circles and you could only focus on was Felix. With the little confidence you had left, you took a deep breath and tried your best to form a stable sentence.

"Does... Does that mean anything?" You felt the urge to cry creeping up on your will to stay strong. Hopefully, you could pretend to be fine for just a bit longer. Long enough so you don't break down right here and now in front of him. "So what? I made you feel that way when we were best friends, but does that really matter?"

"Y/n, you don't know how much it means to me. I'm not joking when I say that I'm lonely without you. I miss you a lot, and also the things we used to do together," he took a step towards you, making you step back in cautiousness.

When he notices the pained look on your face, he completely stopped to see what was wrong.

"D-Did I.... did I... h-hurt you?" the tone in his voice sounded guilty and scared as if causing you any harm was a sinful crime he could commit.

"No... You didn't even touch me...." you responded, hoping he meant it physically so he wouldn't dig deeper into your feelings.

"Not like that.. Like, did I make you... sad?" He gulped, searching for an answer.

What should you tell him? The truth? Fake lies? You wanted to scream. To scream and fall to your knees, letting out all of the suffocating emotions roaring inside of you.

Of course, he made you sad. He made you suffer. He made you angry. He made you cry. He cast the rainy cloud above your head that did its job perfectly. But, even if he broke your heart many times, he still brought you other things that you would have never experienced if it weren't for him. He made you happy. He was the reason behind the smile on your lips. He was the reason why your laugh felt so fresh and airy. He was the reason why your cheeks burned and why butterflies were dancing in your stomach. Many amazing moments that you cherished, were all with him.

And with so much joy, came a lot of pain in return.

Because that's when you learn that not everything in life can be so easy.

"Isn't it obvious Felix?" You clenched your fists, wishing that the frustration in you would settle down soon. If only that were the case. "I loved you. I have loved you for years, ever since we met. Do you expect me to be perfectly okay when the guy I like continues to friendzone me without me knowing? You said you knew, but decided to go after other girls to make me lose those feelings. It doesn't work like that... Why didn't you just tell me earlier that you didn't love me? Then... Then maybe I wouldn't have gone through so much pain and... maybe it would've been easier for me to forget about you."

Tears started to prick your eyes and soon enough, they'd be falling freely. You've kept it up for too long. You've kept a smile on display like there wasn't a knife carving bits and pieces off of your heart. Everything was so overwhelming that you could faint at any moment right now, but you still force yourself to stand in front of him.

"I do things for you because I care. I care about you more than I do anyone else. But..." your lips quivered out of the nervousness overwhelming you. "...I think from now on, I should stop caring about you, and find a new person to give my attention to. Someone who'll want me the way I want them. I don't want to be stuck as your number 2 when I wish to be number 1. I'm more than that, aren't I?"

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