Chapter 5

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Written 12-29-20

As soon as we arrived at home Beatrice rushed me upstairs and into the Don's bedroom. It was as luxurious as a Don's bedroom could be and I expected nothing less. Beatrice starts to help me get out of my wedding dress and un-do my hair. Afterwards she hands me a set of clothes, and says

"Put these on and wait for the Don."

I just nod and head into the bathroom. The set of clothing is white and silky. As I start to put it on I quickly realize its some type of lingerie. I sigh and continue to put it on. I've never worn anything like this in my life, today seems to be a day of "firsts". I look in the mirror one last time before exiting the bathroom. I see the bedroom door is open, and when I turn around I see the closet light on, and hear someone inside. He must be getting out of his suit I think to myself. I just sort of stand there awkwardly waiting for him. This is your duty Gia. You are his. Cristiano walks out of the closet and I am immediately confused. He is fully dressed in a suit, but not the one from our wedding. It's almost as if he just got completely dressed up again. He sees me and looks me up and down, takes out a cigarette and lights it. For a few minutes we just stand there. He smokes his cigarette and eyes my body, I don't know what to do or say. He suddenly laughs through his nose, and walks out of the bedroom closing the door behind him.

What the hell was that? I ask myself over and over. I sit on the bed and it hits me like a ton of bricks. Livianna. He is going to see her isn't he? For a while I just sit there in my own misery. This is what my life is now. But what else was I expecting? A happy, loving relationship with my husband. That's not how things work in the Mafia. Then I hear a knock at the door. Hesitantly I answer, "Come in!"

It's Beatrice. I let out a sigh of relief as she shuts the door behind her.

"The Don is going to be gone for a while. I figure we should get to know one another a little better." She says, and smiles warmly. She's more of a mother to me than the woman who gave birth to me. My actual mother wasn't exactly warm and bubbly. I think she loved me, but she couldn't stand that my father got all of my attention. So when Beatrice treats me better than my own mother had, I can't help but let my guard down. She sits next to me on the bed and we talk for what feels like hours. I tell her about my trip over to Italy, and what life was like in New York. She tells me stories about the insane things she has seen working for the Seratorre family. Most of them are funny stories, she probably wanted to leave out the grim things she has seen.

I still have the lingering thought in the back of my mind. As soon as there is a moment of silence I blurt it out. "Where did Cristiano go?"

"Oh. Gia...I can't..."

"Please Beatrice. Just tell me." I look at her with pleading eyes. I just need to know. She sighs, "He went to the Bordello." I feel the blood drain from my face. "Bordello" is just a fancy Italian word for, "whorehouse." Although I'm relieved he isn't with Livianna. But still, how could he go to a whorehouse on his own wedding night? Another curiosity hits me. I can't help but ask.

"Beatrice, how many women has he...?"

"Giada! Please no more of these questions!"

"Please?! I need to know what to expect!" I will get on my knees and beg if I have to. I need to know more about him if I am going to be the Donna. Cristiano probably knows every little detail about me, I deserve to know more about him. She sighs again.

"I don't know the exact number. Quite a few...but he's never brought the same girl home more than once."

I feel a mix of emotions. I feel terrified at how much more experience he has. I had only had my first kiss a few hours ago. It's not like I didn't know a thing about sex. My maids back home had been teaching me about sex since I hit puberty. But I also feel, relief? Because he doesn't seem to have another woman in his life who is on his mind. I suppose to him woman are just his little play things for the night and they should be gone by morning. So how does Cristiano view me? Am I just a baby-making machine?

Not long after she answers my question Beatrice bids me goodnight and leaves. I see how late it is and decide to go to sleep. But of course, I can't. I feel restless, even more so now that I'm going to have to share my bed. Slowly I start to drift off, I'm so close to falling asleep, until I hear the bedroom door open. My eyes open, but I hold still. I know it's him, I can smell his cologne and cigarette smoke. Luckily my back is facing the door so he can't tell I'm awake. He goes into the closet, and when he shuts the door I close my eyes. If I'm asleep he'll leave me alone. Right?

I hear him exit the closet, and walk over to the other side of the bed. I feel him get into bed, and it takes every ounce of my being not to shiver from his presence. Just sleep, I keep telling myself. Until I feel him move. I can feel him leaning over, looking at me. Don't squeeze your eyes shut, that'll make it obvious. Just keep breathing normally, and hold still. Eventually, he lays back down on his side of the bed. Now I definitely can't sleep. How can I? There is a monster lying right next to me.

Giada's Outfit In This Chapter  ⬆️

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Giada's Outfit In This Chapter ⬆️

sorry for another short chapter! unless if you prefer them shorter. i try to update every monday and friday. dont forget to like and comment some suggestions!!

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