Chapter 28

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Written 4/3/21


The car door suddenly opens, I prepare myself for some sort of confrontation, until I see that it's Cristiano. I almost gasp when I get a closer look at him. He has cuts and bruises all over his face, his suit is torn to shreds, and I can smell blood.

He's angry, I can tell. Why wouldn't he be? We had just been attacked by our worst enemies. The fact that he hadn't died seemed like a miracle. But who had? Were Rosa and Sergio ok? I had so many questions, but I felt like if I even said one word, he'd lose it. He seemed to be boiling with fury.

The car starts moving, and Cristiano presses the button to make the privacy wall go up. His fists were clenched, and his whole body seemed to be tense. I braced myself for some sort of emotional explosion. He reaches into his coat pocket, for his cigarettes, but then lets out an irritated sigh. He probably lost them in the fight. I shiver a little. It was freezing cold outside, and I didn't have time to get my coat before Sergio rescued me out of there.

Cristiano starts tapping his foot, and brings his knuckles up to his mouth, as if he's trying to contain his anger. I knew it wasn't going to work, Cristiano couldn't contain his emotions, I knew that. There was this unbearable tension between us, I felt like I was going to lose my mind.

Suddenly, he grabs me and pushes me down so I'm laying on my back. Before I can even breathe, he's on top of me, grinding the lower half of his body in between my legs, pressing his lips onto my neck. One of his hands travels downs in between my thighs, lifting up my dress. For a moment I try to stop him, until my suppressed desire starts to run through my body. I can't help it. I had been aching for this for days at this point. So I don't resist. His callused fingertips graze against my inner thighs, as he begins to suck on my neck.

That seemed to be a little trademark of his. Leaving his mark on me. I didn't really mind it, it was his way of letting me know who I belonged to.

His hand rubs my sex through my panties. I attempt to stifle a lustful gasp, but it slips through my teeth. I see a little smile form on his face, and with that he swiftly tears off my panties. He takes my wrists and pins them down on the leather seats. His lips move up to my mouth, and press deeply into mine. I immediately connect my lips with his, slowly sliding my tongue against his.

Cristiano lets out a small groan, which only edges me on even further. I arch my body so I can feel his bulge. He bites my lip a little, and grinds himself harder between my legs. One of his hands moves from my wrists, to his belt. With one instant motion he unbuckles it, and slides his pants down.

He sits up, his breath heavy and his face flushed. He looks at me for a moment, eyes piercing into mine, then reaches into his boxers and takes out his length.  I let out a little whine of desperation, showing him how badly I wanted him.

He slowly slid his tip in, but not his full length. He was teasing me.

"Please." I breathe out, begging for him to just put himself fully inside of me. Slowly he pushes in his full length, and lets out a soft moan. He lets go of my wrists, and rests his hands on either side of me, holding himself up. He thrusts into me hard, causing me to let out a yelp of pleasure. I wrap my arms around him, pulling him closer. He begins thrusting at a faster pace.

I suddenly become aware of my surroundings as my moaning gets louder. We were literally having sex in the backseat of a moving vehicle. Sure the privacy window was up, but what if the driver could still hear us? It didn't really matter though. Cristiano could do whatever he wanted, and get away with it.

One of his hands moves up and grasps my breast. I dig my nails into the back of his jacket, practically unable to contain myself. He was thrusting at a steady, but rough pace. It was driving me crazy. His lips move back to my neck, and his thrusts become more powerful. His tongue drags across the weak spot on my neck, making me let out a sharp moan. I feel him smile against my neck, he was probably proud of the fact that a simple action from him could unhinge me.

"Gia." He whispers through one of his moans.

He moves his lips back to mine, and I can tell he's close. I could feel his member throbbing inside of me, begging for a release. I could feel that familiar feeling start to flow through my body. I grip his shoulders, as I feel my sex start to quiver.

"Cristiano." I moan softly, my climax hits me like a ton of bricks.

Cristiano grips the sides of my waist, and thrusts into to me at a rapid pace. He lets out a few curse words, before releasing with one last hard thrust. After he finished he quickly pulls out of me, he sits up, and begins to readjust his clothing. I decide to do the same, but when I look down at my dress, it's all torn and disheveled.

The car suddenly comes to a stop.

"We're home sir." The driver calls out. I immediately become embarrassed. The privacy wall wasn't sound proof, so the driver had probably heard everything. It was strange how something that felt so good, could immediately be followed by guilt and regret.

Cristiano looks at me before opening his door. His eyes travel down to my dress. He takes off his coat, and wraps it around me. I was a little surprised. He could have just sent me inside and had me change immediately, then blamed me for making people stare. That's what most Dons would have done.

It felt intimate. When we step out of the car there are hoards of guards, even more than the ones we had at the party. Cristiano grabs me by the arm, and walks us both inside. We walk inside, and maids and guards start rushing toward us asking if we are ok. Cristiano waves them away, and we walk upstairs to our bedroom.

As soon as we get to our room I waste no time getting out of my dress, and getting in the shower. I wanted to just wash away everything that happened tonight. I strip of all my clothes, step in the shower, and run my face under the warm water. I let out a long sigh. Today felt like it had lasted for weeks. Was every day going to be like this? Cristiano and I hadn't even been married for that long, but we had narrowly escaped death twice already.

Suddenly I hear the bathroom door open. Immediately I know it's Cristiano. I slide open the shower door, and poke my head out.

"What is it?" I ask him. He leans against the sink, and just looks at me.

"Can I join you?" He asks blankly. I look at him in confusion for a minute. It's not like I could really say no. But did I even want to say no? After thinking for a moment, I nod my head. Cristiano takes off his clothes, and steps in the shower.

I turn my back to him, and continue washing myself. He moves closer to me, pressing his chest against my back. He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. I rest my head against his.

The normal me probably would have squirmed and tried to push him away. But right now I felt different. He felt different. We were becoming closer.

And, as much as it terrified me, I was falling for him.

heyyy! having a really difficult time in school currently. i have a c average 😙 which in my house is not good. i will still try to update as much as possible, but they might be a little slow cause if i don't pass my classes my parents will actually kill me

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