Chapter 35

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Written 5/24/21

"H-Hello" I hear a shaken voice say. Immediately I knew it was her.

"Livianna? It-it's Giada." I mutter nervously. I hear her let out a sigh, then I hear sniffling, as if she started crying.

"Why are you calling now? Why didn't you call weeks ago?" She says, her was voice strained, and it was obvious she was upset.

"I don't have access to a phone, Cristiano might have taken mine away. But more importantly, how could you try and run away? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" I say angrily.

"Death is better than the hell I'm in right now Giada. Even if I do marry Diavolo, he'll just end up killing me regardless! You could have helped, but then you abandoned me!" She cries.

"Keep your voice down! Is there anyone listening to us on your end?" I whisper.

"No, I paid off a maid to distract some of the guards who were supposed to be watching me." She whispers, almost as if she thinks it's funny.

"Livianna this is serious. What if you get caught?"

"So what if I do? I'm a dead girl walking." She says, sounding upset again.

"Maybe not, there might be a way to get you out." I say.


"I don't have a definitive plan yet. But I need to know that I can trust you, or else we'll both end up getting killed." I say, in a stern tone. I was dead serious.

"Y-you can trust me Gia." She says nervously. I didn't like making her feel scared, but this was a dangerous situation, and I wasn't going to help her if I couldn't trust her.

"I can help you get rid of Diavolo, but I need time. That means your going to have to be patient, and wait for me to come up with a way for us to communicate. If you try to run away again it's just going to make you look suspicious, and you'll end up getting killed." I say.

She starts to cry again, I couldn't help but feel bad. Asking her to simply just wait for me to help her, while Diavolo abuses her was asking a lot.

"I understand. But Giada, please promise me you'll get me out of this. No matter how long it takes." Livianna says, still crying.

"I-I promise. I have to go, but I'll try to get in contact with you soon." I say.

"Thank you." Shes says. I immediately hang up the phone.

I couldn't believe that I had just promised to save her. How could I promise something like that? I could do my best, but there was no guarantee I could help her get away from Diavolo.

I get up and walk out of the room. When I get to the end of the hall, I find Sergio waiting for me.

"I sincerely hope you aren't doing anything dangerous Donna." He whispers as we walk down the hallway.

"My conversation with Livianna doesn't concern you. I just need you to tell Cristiano that I calmed her down, and nothing suspicious went down. Can you do that Sergio?" I say sternly.

"We have a deal. But I'm warning you Donna..." he starts, then takes my arm so I look at him. "This path of lies and blackmail you're going down, it will ruin you. Just like it did Cristiano." He says intently. I stare at him for a moment, before ripping my arm away from his.

"The next time you grab someone like that,you might want to remember who you're grabbing." I snap at him, and walk away. I go straight into the kitchen, where, as usual, Beatrice is cooking.

She looks up and smiles at me, I give her a weak smile back, and sit down at the table.

"Rough day?" She asks. I put my head in my hands, and nod. I hear something being poured, then a clink. I move my hands away from my face, and see a glass of wine set down in front of me. I look up at Beatrice, confused.

"I don't think Cristiano would like me drinking in the middle of the day." I say.

"He's at an important meeting, he won't be back till late. Besides, you look like you could use it." She says with a slight smirk, and a wink. I laugh a little, and pick up the glass. I take a small sip from it, it tasted a lot less bitter than the last time I had drank wine. I take a few more sips, then sit the glass back down.

"Do you think we'll end up like our parents? Cristiano and I?" I ask, staring down at my glass. When I look back up at Beatrice, she looks a bit taken a-back. She pauses a moment, pondering her answer.

"It's inevitable Gia. It's bound to happen to everyone sooner or later. Especially with your circumstances, you were born to fill the same role you're mother had, and Cristiano was born to take his fathers place as well." She says with a heavy sigh.

I could tell that was the most honest answer that she could give me. And with that, I nodded, picked up my glass of wine, and finished it off. For the next few hours we drank more wine, ate, and talked. Not about Cristiano, or really anything to do with the family, we just talked about normal stuff. That's what I liked about Beatrice, she made me feel normal. The maids and guards weren't allowed to drink on the job, but at this point Beatrice wasn't just a staff member to me, she was like family.

After we finished eating, and I polished off a few more drinks, I decided to head back upstairs.

"Are you sure you don't need help getting up the stairs Gia?" Beatrice asks.

"No, I'm fine." I slur as I walk out of the kitchen. I grab on to the rails tightly, and begin walking up the staircase. By the time I reached the top I felt exhausted. I knew I was drunk. It was an odd feeling, yet for some reason I kind of liked it. I stumbled towards Cristiano and I's bedroom. Suddenly I stopped.

I couldn't figure out why, I just knew I didn't want to go in there. Cristiano wouldn't be back for several hours still, but the thought of going to sleep, then having him come in to wake me up and ask me a million questions about my phone call with Livianna wasn't something I wanted to go through.

I look around, and my eyes centered on my old bedroom. I stumbled over to it, and walked inside, shutting the door behind me. I walked over, and fell on top of the bed, letting out a sigh of relief as my head rested against a pillow. I felt so much more relaxed in this room. Probably because I didn't have to share it with a monster. Maybe this was my way of avoiding him, I didn't have to worry about him coming in late at night and waking me up, or screaming in my face.

I closed my eyes, let my body sink into the bed, and fell asleep.

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