Chapter 51

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It was unnervingly quiet.

The red and blue lights from the police cars were gone, and the sounds of people downstairs had died out a long time ago.

So where was Cristiano? And why was I still locked in here? I couldn't stop thinking about the confrontation with Cristiano.

He had known about the plot. For god knows how long. I felt like a complete fool. Of course he had known. Nothing got past the Don. But my real question was why had he waited so long to stop me? Was it possible he wanted Diavolo dead as much as I did? Or was he lying just to get me to talk?

Suddenly I hear the door start to unlock. I held my breath as the door slowly creaked open. Not to my surprise, it was Cristiano. His hair was all curly and disheveled, like he had been stressing about something. I assumed he had been questioned by the cops.

He walked into the room, and shut the door behind him, locking it from the inside. I nearly jumped up from where I was sitting on the bed. Why had he locked the door? He loosens his tie, and pulls out his carton of cigarettes, putting one in his mouth and lighting it. A few minutes when by, and he didn't even look at me once.

"The police questioned everyone in the house. They're saying she slipped and fell down the stairs. It's being ruled an accident." He says, still not making eye contact with me, taking a few drags of his cigarette.

I couldn't hold back, not anymore.

"How convenient for you." I say accusingly. His head suddenly snaps in my direction.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" He asks angrily.

"You know exactly what the fuck I mean." I am standing up at this point, but am careful not to move closer towards him.

"Am I supposed to believe it's just a coincidence that Livianna dies the same day we planned to assassinate your uncle? That you didn't just pay off the police to make it look like an accident?!" I shout at him, raising my voice with each sentence.

Before I can say another word, he grabs me by my arm and drags me into the bathroom. I yelp and try to yank myself away from his grip. It's no use.

He slams the door shut, and simultaneously locks it.

I scream, and out of pure instinct, slap him hard across the face. Hard.

As soon as I felt my hand make contact with his face, I immediately regretted it. From the way he reacted, I could tell I had hurt him.

Cristiano stared back at me, I couldn't read the emotions on his face. I was so in shock, I didn't feel his hands unzipping and removing my dress.

He got on his knees, and pulled my underwear down to my ankles, fully exposing me. I was frozen.

"P-please stop." I say, and he looks up at me.

He steadily gets to his feet, and slowly lifts me up off the floor, setting me down in the shower. I sat on the tile floor, not moving a muscle as he turned the water on. I flinched as the cold water hit my face. Quickly it started to warm up.

He stripped himself of his clothes, and carefully stepped in the shower.

Suddenly, I saw the water going down the drain turning red, and realized I was still covered in Livianna's blood. I started to squirm, but was immediately stopped by Cristiano.

"Don't move." He says, removing the shower head, and pulling it down closer to me.

I wanted to vomit. Tonight didn't even feel real. A part of me couldn't process that she was dead,

Cristiano reached up and unpinned my hair, letting it fall against my back. He ran the water through my hair, then carefully all throughout my body.

My mind drifted elsewhere, until he turned off the water, wrapping a towel around the lower half of his body, and picking me up bridal style. Then setting me down on my feet.

He dried me off with another towel, before heading into the closet and grabbing me a night gown.

"Lift up your arms." He says, but not in a demanding way. He spoke and touched me delicately, as if I was made of glass. I did as he said, and he pulled the nightgown over me, moving the straps over my shoulders.

Suddenly he grasped my face. I looked up at him in fear.

"Did you think I was going to rape you?"

I stood there, not knowing how to respond. His tone was completely blank. I couldn't read his emotions like he could read mine.

"What else was I supposed to think? I feel like I don't even know who you are anymore." I say, practically begging myself not to cry, but the tears still came.

Cristiano pulled me close, gently caressing my cheek.

"I swear, on my mother's life, I did not kill that poor girl. But I will find who did. I will hunt Diavolo to the ends of this fucking earth if I have to." He says, gritting his teeth at the mention of Diavolo.

"H-he's gone?" I ask fearfully.

"He seems to have escaped amidst all the chaos with the cops. The Consigliere's have already ordered a hit on him, they consider Livianna's murder a betrayal because of her fathers status." He answers.

Suddenly I feel my face turn white.

"But, what about my betrayal, Cristiano?" I say, taking his hand in mine. He looks at me, and tucks my wet hair behind my ear.

"The only ones who know about that are you and me, and I intend to keep it that way, Gia." He says, picking me up, and carrying me to the bed.

He pulls the covers up to my shoulders, and kisses my forehead.

"Rest now. I have a monster to hunt down." He says.

I use the rest of my strength to give him a weak smile.

I close my eyes, and pray for the courage to fall asleep. But the lingering fear of seeing Livianna in my nightmares will keep me up for hours.

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