Chapter 27

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Written 3-25-21

After about an hour of driving, we eventually pull up to a large, extravagantly decorated building. Cristiano takes my hand, and as we get out of the limo, a hoard of guards immediately surround us.

"Don't ever let go of my hand unless I think it's safe." He says, pulling me closer, as more and more people move closer to us. Most of them are well dressed people who are clearly one of us, others are guards, and I see some photographers and reporters. I suppose in Italy, the Seratorre family were celebrities.

We walk through the doors of the building, and the room we enter amazes me. It's a pricelessly decorated ballroom. Rows of tables filled with food and drinks, a large circle in the middle of the room full of people dancing. I stare in awe for a few seconds, before Cristiano walks us to a table near the center of the Ballroom.

We both sit down, but he still doesn't let go of my hand. We have about 6 or 7 guards near us, and multiple others all around the building. I didn't understand why he was being so protective, were we really in that much danger every time we left our home?

After a few minutes my hand slipped away from his, and we resumed our roles as the Don and Donna. Greeting people, chatting with fellow family members and friends. Food was brought out, and we all devoured our meals, then immediately went back to talking.

Even when Franco approached us, it was nothing but smiles and good conversation. To be honest, I didn't think it was going to go this well. Usually whenever Cristiano was in a bad mood, the whole day was ruined, so it was good he was finally cheering up.

A slow song comes on, and couples start moving to the dance floor. Suddenly Cristiano takes my hand again. I look at him, and he tilts his head towards the dance floor. We walk to the very center of the dance floor, and I can feel multiple sets of eyes on me, including Cristiano's. He pulls me close to him, so my chest is pressed against his, and places one of his hands on my waist. I place one of my hands on his shoulder, and we slowly begin to sway to the music.

This seemed oddly intimate. Even though it was probably for show, it was still nice. He felt warm, despite the fact that it was freezing cold outside. I breathed in the smell of his cologne, and even the smell of his cigarettes. I was getting used to it.

Cristiano takes my hand, and lifts up my arm, twirling me in a circle. When I come face to face with him again, he has a small smile on his face. I was surprised he was in a good mood. Maybe a party was what he needed.

After a little while of dancing, we went back to our table. I spot Cristiano's godmother, Rosa, and smile. She smiles back, and walks over to me.

"Ciao Donna! You look ravishing!" She says, kissing me on the cheek, and sitting next to me.

"As do you Rosa!" I say cheerfully, happy to see a friendly face.

"Why thank you my dear." She says, taking a sip from her martini.

"I have some news you'll be glad to hear." She whispers, leaning closer towards me. I lean forward as well, sensing that whatever she's about to tell me should be discreet.

"What is it?" I ask. She looks around to make sure no one is listening in on our conversation.

"Apparently, Cristiano had Paola sent away."

At first the mention of Paola's name irks me, but when I hear she has been sent away I can't help hide my joy.

"Why?" I say, not even hiding my excitement.

"Well, I don't know the exact reason. My husband just told me that she was causing problems, and wanted her to be sent away quietly."

"He didn't have her killed, did he?!" I ask with an urgency. I didn't know if being sent away was code for something else. Rosa laughs.

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