Chapter 6

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I can sense the sunlight through the curtains. My eyes are closed, they have been for hours, but I didn't get any sleep. I feel Cristiano start to move. He must be waking up. Lucky him, he can actually fall asleep. Some nights I do sleep. But that's a rare luxury. Cristiano gets out of bed, and I open my eyes and see him walking towards the closet. He's only wearing his boxers. I blush a little, I had never seen a man as exposed as he was.

I sit up and decide to "wake up" as well. I throw the covers off of me, and try to sneak into the bathroom without him noticing.

"Giada." I jump at his voice, and immediately turn around. He's standing there, still just in his boxers, leaning against the doorway of the closet and looking at me.

"There are some people coming over this morning, I want you to stay out of my office. Got it?" He starts to walk closer to me, he's so tall compared to me.

"Y-yes. I understand." I start to back away as he gets closer to me. It seems the more I back away, the closer he comes towards me. Soon, I'm backed against the wall, with him leaning over me, his face just a couple inches from mine.

"You understand, what?" Cristiano asks me.

"I-I understand...Don." I am staring at his bare chest. I think that if I look into his eyes I'll faint. He tilts my chin up so I'm looking up at him. My lips are a breath a way from his. I'm terrified, what did I say?I feel like I keep messing up. Finally he says something.

"Good girl." And he gives me a light kiss on the lips.

With that he goes into the closet, and shuts the door behind him. I quickly go into the bathroom, and start getting ready. After a while I finish getting ready, and put on a black turtle neck, gray skirt, and black tights. I feel pretty, I also have butterflies in my stomach. I liked being kissed by him, but I hated being close to him. My feelings were so complicated.

I exit the bathroom, and of course he's already gone. I decide to go downstairs and get some breakfast. When I get into the kitchen I find Beatrice. I wonder if she is upset with me for asking so many questions last night. She sees me an smiles, and hands me a plate of food. I eat, and place my plate in the sink.

Now what? I ask myself. It's not like I can just leave and go to the city. The only time I can leave, is if the Don is going somewhere and brings me with him.

I look out the window and see the garden. Of course, it's probably the most beautiful garden I've ever seen. Everything part of this Villa was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Without hesitation I track down a guard, and let him know I'm going to look outside.

With that I practically run out the doors and into the gardens. I felt free. Deep down I knew I wasn't, but the cool fresh air, and the smell of the plants gave me a sense of clarity. It's a bit cold out, since it's the middle of November, it's still sunny. I wander around the gardens for what feels like hours. Walking down the stone pathways, I can't help but think about earlier.

Was he attracted to me? If I screw up again will he hit me? Why hadn't we slept together yet?

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a guard approaching me.

"Mrs. Seratorre, the Don wants to see you. Now." I just nod, and follow him back into the house. He leads me to Cristiano's office. It's the same room I had wondered into when I had run into Cristiano. I didn't know it was his office. That little "incident" could have gotten me in serious trouble. The guard knocks on the door.

"Come in." Is all I hear, and the guard opens the door. Cristiano is sitting at his desk, looking through a paper, and smoking a cigarette. He seemed to smoke a lot. He looks up at me and the guard and says.

"Leave, and shut the door." I hear the door shut behind me, and I realize I'm alone with him. Again. He looks me up and down, and beckons me to come forward with his index and middle finger.

I slowly walk over to his desk, and stand next to him. Without warning he grabs my wrist and sits me in his lap. I squirm, he grips my thigh.

"Sit still." He says, without even looking up from his paper.

He continues to do his work, and I just sit in his lap and watch him. He's so focused, he reads so quickly. For a while we sit like this. After a while he puts his papers in his briefcase, and looks at me. I stare at his lips, I still can't look him in the eye.

"Giada, I have an important task for you." I nod, and look at my hands.

"I need you to help Beatrice organize a dinner party for tomorrow night. Can you do that?" I nod again, and slowly my eyes meet his. He brings me closer to him, and my lips brush against his. With that, I press my lips into his. I hate the taste of the cigarette smoke, but I love the way his lips felt on mine. He keeps pulling me closer into him, his tongue rolls into my mouth, and I hear him moan. I can feel his hand grip my thigh, and it slowly starts to go up my skirt.

He's the Don. I am his wife. I have to let him do what he wants. But for some reason, his hand going up my skirt had an affect on me. It made me push him away, and jump out of his lap. I trip over my feet and slam my back against the wall.

Before I can even breath, he presses himself against me, and has one of my arms pinned to the wall, while the other is trapped between me and him.

He forces the lower half of his body in between my legs, and starts kissing my collarbone. Is this it? Is this how I am going to lose my virginity? My thoughts are interrupted with a sharp pain in my neck. I realize he is biting into it. I let out a sharp cry, and struggle to get my hands loose. But he's too strong. Cristiano continues to suck on my neck, and I can feel something pressing against my stomach. I know what it is, but I refuse to say it to myself.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door, and within seconds it opens. It's Diavolo. Cristiano loosens his grip on my wrist, and I successfully push him off of me. I run past Diavolo and down the hallway that leads to the staircase.

Once I reach our bedroom I slam the door behind me, and head straight to the bathroom. I pull down the collar of the turtleneck and view the mark he has left on me. The bruise was massive. His teeth marks were still on my skin. Why the hell didn't you just hold still and let him do what he was doing? I feel like an idiot. I stay in my room for the rest of the night. Beatrice brings me dinner, and we start planning out the party for tomorrow.

I lay down that night exhausted, maybe I might actually get a wink of sleep tonight. I'm praying the Don doesn't come in. I'm praying he has to stay in his office all night, or even that he goes to the Bordello.

Who knows what he'll do to me now? Now he actually has a reason to hurt me. I disobeyed him.

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