Chapter 43

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The car pulls up to the house, Cristiano takes my arm, pulls us out of the car, and walks us to the door of the house. When we enter the living room, Diavolo is standing there, talking to someone on the phone.

"Uncle, we missed you at the party." Cristiano says. Diavolo simply waves and turns around.

"Go upstairs." He whispers, letting go of my arm. I hesitatingly make my way up the stairs. I get about half way, when I stop and turn around.

Cristiano storms up to Diavolo, rips the phone out of his hand, and throws it on the ground, smashing it to pieces.

He looks like he's about to either punch Diavolo or cuss him out. He look up at me and his face turns even more angry.

He snaps his fingers at me.

"Upstairs now!" He says angrily, pointing towards the top of the stairway.

I immediately run up the rest of the stairs, and into the bedroom. I cursed myself for not just going upstairs immediately. But I wanted to see what Cristiano would do to Diavolo. Would he hit him? Humiliate him? The same way Diavolo hits and humiliates Livianna.

I also wanted to know why Diavolo didn't show up to the dinner. But instead I just sat on the bed and waited for Cristiano to come upstairs.

After a few minutes he did. I could tell he was in a bad mood already. I was so mad at Diavolo. Up until we got home Cristiano had been in a decent mood.

He loosens his tie and takes off his coat jacket. He looked tired, his hair was all curly and disheveled. He walked over to the bed and lazily laid himself down.

I debated in my head whether I should even bother asking him anything. He moved his hands up to his face and rubbed his eyes tiredly. He flopped down on the bed, and moved his hands away from his face.

"Go on, ask your questions." He said, seemingly mocking me. I couldn't tell if it was a joke or not, but I took the opportunity anyways.

"Why wasn't Diavolo at the party?" I ask, with a slight smirk. Cristiano sits up, clearly noticing my smile.

"What's so funny?" He asks, not sounding too serious.

"Am I really that predictable?" I ask, letting out a small laugh. He smiled a little at me, gently took my arm, and slowly pulling me into his lap. I rest my back against his chest. For a few minutes we just sit there and relax.

"You didn't answer my question about Diavolo." I finally say. Cristiano sighs.

"He didn't really say, just that something important came up." Cristiano said, sounding frustrated. I was a little disappointed, I wish Cristiano would have pushed harder to find out where Diavolo was.

"Did you hit him?" I ask, trying not to sound too curious.

"Not necessarily, I pushed him around a little." He answers, sounding a little proud of his answer. We sit there for a few more minutes in comfortable silence. His arm was wrapped around my waist, and my head was rested against his shoulder.

"You don't seem to like him very much." Cristiano says. I freeze for a split second, then respond quickly out of my nervousness.

"Why do you say that?" I ask, trying to sound oblivious. Cristiano laughs.

"Because it's obvious you hate him." He says laughing. I smile and look up at him.

"Does it bother you that I don't like him?" I ask, my lips brushing against his cheek.

"No, it doesn't. Nobody likes him anyways." He says, his laughing dying down a bit.

I let out a small breath of relief, I had to be careful when talking about Diavolo around Cristiano. Anything too negative might make him suspicious.

After a while, I get up and change out of my dress and heels. I sighed and leaned against the closet door. It felt good to finally get out of a tight dress and uncomfortable shoes. I stepped out of closet in just my underwear, and got into bed. Cristiano was in the bathroom taking a shower.

It was late, too late. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I started drifting off to sleep. I was woken up a little when the bathroom door opened.

I could feel Cristiano get into bed. His arms wrapped around my waist, and pulled me towards him. We were facing each other, and I rested my head on his chest.

Compared to the freezing atmosphere around us, he felt comforting and warm.

A Few Hours Later

I woke up suddenly. I looked up, and Cristiano was rolled over on his side of the bed, dead asleep. I looked over at the time. It was only 4:30 in the morning, which made sense why it was still dark out.

There was a sharp cramp in my stomach, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't go back to sleep. I get out of bed, as soon as my feet touched the floor, I knew something wasn't right. Something felt off.

I decided that maybe a shower would make me feel better. I went in the bathroom and started running the water. I peaked out the door and made sure it didn't wake Cristiano up. When he didn't wake up, I quietly shut the door and took off my underwear.

As I was in the shower, the pain in my stomach got even worse. I quietly groaned in my misery, washing my hair to try and distract myself, but it was no use.

Suddenly I felt something streaming down my leg, something that wasn't water. I looked down, and saw the water all around my feet turning red. I looked at my thighs, and they were covered with blood. The blood was pouring from between my legs.

I tried to scream but nothing came out. All I could do was gasp as tears streamed down my face, and the water became even more red.

That's when I felt a sharp throb right in the pit of my stomach. It was the worst pain I had ever felt.

Then I screamed. I tried to get out of the shower but, I just fell to my knees.

I heard Cristiano yelling, and pounding at the door. I wanted desperately to get up and open the door, but the pain was keeping me down.

I felt weak. I crawled to the door of the shower, and tried as hard as I could to open it. I was able to open it a crack. I breathed in the cool air, as I felt the lights around my eyes starting to grow dim.

I could hear Cristiano yelling and pounding on the door. I was too weak. The only thing I could feel at this point was the pain in my stomach.

My eyes started to close, and my breathing slowed down. All the sounds around me started to become faint echos that I could barely make out.

And then everything went black.

hi all! so i know this chapter was probably kind of shocking for some of you. i don't want to spoil the rest of the story, but i just wanted to explain why i wrote it. i want to tackle serious issues that women go through every day. there are a lot of parts of this book that would be considered unrealistic, so i wanted to write about things that women could relate to. let me know what you think!

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