Chapter 13

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I'm in the bathroom getting ready, when I hear the hotel door open. I can smell the faint scent of a cigarette, and I know who it is. Besides, who else would be permitted to enter the Don and Donnas hotel room? Suddenly there's a knock at the bathroom door.

"Are you almost done? The party is in an hour Giada." Cristiano calls out through the door.

"Yes, I just need to put my dress on." I respond. I swiftly step into my dress, and pull it up. I slide the straps over my shoulders, and look in the mirror. I chose a nude colored sparkly dress.

I step out of the bathroom and Cristiano turns around to look at me. He smokes his cigarette, and eyes me closely. He smiles.

"You look lovely Gia. Now let's go we're gonna be late." I smile, trying not to blush, and he takes my hand in his. We walk down to the lobby and out the doors of the hotel. There's a line of black cars waiting for us. We get into one, and he still holds onto my hand. My palms start to feel sweaty.

It's strange how I still felt nervous around him. I couldn't tell if it was a good nervous, or a frightened nervous. Was I starting to like him?

The car pulls up to a large building, with a mass amount of guards and well dressed people surrounding the doors. As we get out of the car Cristiano grips my hand a little tighter.

"Stay near me at all times, don't go anywhere that I can't see you." He whispers to me as we walk toward the door. I nod, and he lets go of my hand. As soon as the doors to the building open, I plaster a smile on my face. That's my job. If I ever have to be in front of people I have to put on my makeup, doll myself up, and pretend like my marriage is perfect.

Once we're in the building, the guards that are surrounding us disperse and allow us to mingle with the other guests at the party. Cristiano and I engage in small talk for a while. We get the basic questions like, How's married life? Do you two get much time together? When will you start thinking about children?

I can't help but squirm when people bring up having children. I've never even thought about if I wanted kids. But it's not like I have much of a choice. I look around for Livianna and Diavolo but I don't see them anywhere. I didn't want to think about either of them right now. I should be trying to have a good time with my husband and his associates. But right now I couldn't even bring myself to look him in the eye. Killing a member of the Don's family was an ultimate betrayal. Even if Cristiano hated Diavolo, they were still family.

Finally I spot Livianna, she's over by the drinks polishing of a glass of champagne. That's not a good sign. While Cristiano is engrossed in a conversation with another man, I sneak over to Livianna. When she sees me she gives me a sloppy smile, she's already drunk.

"Are you ok?" I ask her.

"I'm fine!" She says drunkenly, and takes another gulp of her drink.

"Then why are you drinking so much?" I ask as if I'm her babysitter. She glares at me and slams her drink on the table in front of her.

"Diavolo refused to come to the party with me. He said he didn't want to be seen in public with his whore fiancé." She says raising her voice a little.

"Shhh, keep your voice down. But then why are you upset that he didn't come? I thought you hated him."

"I do!" She proclaims loudly.

"Then why are you upset that he didn't come.?" Suddenly she pulls me closer, I can literally smell the alcoholic on her breath.

"I was going to poison him." She whispers in my ear. I can't hide my shocked face. Livianna just looks at me and smiles, as she slowly starts to stumble away. I couldn't do this. She was too much of a wreck and was going to get herself caught. I decide right then and there I am going to have nothing to do with her plot. As much as I felt bad for her, I couldn't risk it.

I turn around to see Cristiano glaring at me. I had that coming. His wife and his ex girlfriend getting into some sort of argument wasn't a good look for him. I walk back over to him cautiously, afraid he might not even want to be near me. When I'm in front of him, he takes my arm harshly and pulls me closer.

"Stay away from Livianna. She does nothing but cause trouble." He says in a serious tone.

"Is she dangerous?" I ask him, my voice shaking with fear. His expression softens a little.

"It's the Mafia, Gia. We're all dangerous." He turns his head to look at all the people at the party. He's right. Everyone in this building is dangerous. We're all apart of something horrible. But none of us can leave, even if we wanted to. Cristiano lets go of my arm, and returns to conversing with the other party guests. I just stand there for a few minutes.

After a while, I decide to rejoin the party. As I walk toward a crowd of people, I'm suddenly bumped into. I almost fall on the floor. I turn around to apologize, but when I do the man who bumped into me is rushing towards the doors. He looks back at me for a second, and I notice a small tattoo on his cheek. It's a knife with a snake wrapped around it. I swear I've seen that symbol before, but I can't remember where. He rushes out of the building, and I get a weird feeling. I know I've seen that tattoo somewhere. And why would he leave in the middle of a party? Was he afraid he had offended the Donna, by bumping into me? I turn around to look for Cristiano, I needed to let him know about the guy with the tattoo.

Suddenly there's a loud "boom" sound. I see a flash of light, and then debris starts blowing up and flying everywhere. I'm knocked to the ground and my head slams against the floor. People start screaming, and running. There's a blistering ringing in my ears, I squeeze my eyes shut and stay completely still. It's a bomb. I think to myself. And then I feel my heart sink to my stomach. I remember where I recognize that tattoo from. It's the symbol of the Genovese family. More importantly, it's the symbol of the mortal enemies of the Seratorre family. And they had just attacked us.

I can hear people calling out my name. But I can't move, my whole body hurts. My eyesight starts to blur, then everything goes black.

Giada's Dress ⬆️

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Giada's Dress ⬆️

ooooo another cliffhanger! what did you guys think? do you think Livianna will re-convince Gia to kill Diavolo? thank you so much for reading! like, comment, and follow me! 💜💜💜

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