Chapter 37

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Written 6/12/21

I'm woken up as Cristiano pulls his arm out from under me, and gets out of bed. I look at the time, it was only 5:00 am. After a few minutes I feel him get back into bed. He leans over me and gives me a light kiss on the cheek. I open my eyes and turn over to look up at him.

"Go back to sleep, Gia." He says brushing a strand of hair out of my face with his index finger.

"Why are you getting up so early." I say, reaching for his arm, encouraging him to come back to bed.

"I have some work to do, I'll be back later."

He looks at me for a moment, then gets off the bed. I knew there was nothing that could come between him and his work, so I laid my head back down on my pillow, and closed my eyes. I hear him leave, gently closing the door behind him.

I felt bad that he had to wake up so early. What could he possibly be working on the required him to wake up at 5:00 in the morning? I decided not to dwell on it any further, and went back to sleep.

A few Hours Later

I hear the bedroom door open, and someone come in. I open my eyes and sit up, and see Cristiano walking towards me. He looks extremely tense, but not the nervous kind of tense. He looked as if he just accomplished something, and didn't know how to process it.

"I need you to get dressed, quickly." He says, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.

I waste no time getting out of bed, and head to the closet. For a brief moment I turn around.

"What do I need to wear?" I ask. He looks at me for a moment, taking a long puff of his cigarette. He breaths out a big cloud of smoke, as I tried to pretend that I didn't hate it when he stunk up the whole room with his cigarettes.

"Something professional, you'll need a coat, I don't want you to freeze." He says, then turns around and continues smoking his cigarette.

I rush into the closet and start looking for clothes to wear. I find black pants, and a black turtle neck. I quickly put them on, and start looking for a coat. I pick out a long tan coat, and find some small black boots, put both of them on, and walk out of the closet.

When I come out Cristiano puts out his cigarette and tosses it in the trash. He reaches his hand out to me, I walk towards him and take it. We walk downstairs and outside, where a car is waiting. The cold attacks every bit of my skin that isn't covered, making me shiver. The temperature must have been below freezing, it had snowed last night. Cristiano let go of my hand walked over to his side of the car, and a guard came opened my door for me. I smiled and nodded at him as I got in. He didn't smile back, and quickly shut the door. I understood why. If he had smiled back he probably would've gotten punished or worse. Any man who wasn't the Don had to be careful around a Donna. One wrong move towards a Donna, and the Don might just send you to an early grave.

Soon enough we were on the road, driving in a direction I don't think we've ever gone before. I felt anxious, I had no idea where we were going. I didn't know why, but I had this gut feeling that something was wrong, or that something bad was going to happen. I clasped my hands on top of my lap, trying desperately not to fiddle or play with my fingers. Little girls fidget when their nervous, Donna's suck it up and put on a brave face, my etiquette teacher had once told me. I took it to heart, and had barely done it since. But now I couldn't seem to stop. Eventually I just broke down and asked.

"Where are we going?" I look at Cristiano pleadingly, begging for an answer. But the look on his face tells me I'm not going to get one.

"I'll explain when we get there." He says. I sigh nervously and look out my window. An uncomfortable silence lingered in the air, it was almost unbearable. Memories of last night started to come into my head. It was strange to me that we could were as passionate as ever last night, but right now I felt so disconnected from him. Did he feel the same way? Did he even care?

We take a turn that leads us into the less popular side of the city. There were lots of industrial buildings, and not a lot of people around. We pull up to a large, brick building, that has no windows, just a large front door. Cristiano starts to get out of the car, and I decide to do the same. I step out of the car, and stare at the building. I had this deep down feeling, that there was something wrong with this place, that it was evil.

Suddenly I feel a hand grip my arm. I jump and turn around, to see Cristiano. I look at him nervously.

"I'm not going to hurt you Gia." He says sternly. I put my head down, and we start to walk inside. My legs felt shaky, and my palms felt sweaty. There were guards everywhere, walking in groups. We went down a hall, and go up a flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs, there are 3 guards waiting.

"Don, which one are you here to see?" One of the guards asks.

"I think you know." Cristiano answers.

The guard nods, and leads us down to another hallway. Except this hallway is lined with about a dozen or more metal doors. The guard leads us down to the very last door, at the end of the hallway. He hands Cristiano a key, then leaves.

My hands start to shake, and I back away a little from the door. He grabs my arm again, and pulls me forward.

"I want you to see this." He says, then puts the key into the lock. He twists the key, then opens the door.

My heart drops to my stomach. There is a woman huddled in the corner, eyes full of fear. In her arms is a little boy. He couldn't have been more than 2. It suddenly hits me. The head of the Genovese family's mistress, and his son, the plot to kidnap them worked.

She held her son close, tears streamed down her face. She looked at Cristiano in fear, then her eyes turned to me.

"Per favore! Io e mio figlio siamo innocenti!" (Please! Me and my son, we're innocent!) She cries.

Cristiano's face turns angry.

"No one like you is innocent." Cristiano says furiously. "You're just as much a part of that fucking family, as the little bastard you're holding." He charges toward her, I quickly grab his arm and try to stop him. He whips around, and looks at me. He looked enraged, then surprised, then calm. He takes my hand, and leads us out of the small room, that was pretty much just a jail cell. He slams the door shut, and tosses the key to a near by guard.

I could barely process what was happening. Once Vincenzo found out that his mistress and his child were gone, he'd come after Cristiano almost immediately. Fear and anger flowed through me.

I stared at Cristiano. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, he took one out and lit it.

"You just started a war." I said he looked at me, and took his cigarette out of his mouth, blowing a hug puff of smoke to the side.

"We're already in one Gia."

Giada's Outfit ⬆️

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Giada's Outfit ⬆️

heyyy!!! sorry for the super late update!! i promise ill be updating regularly again! 💜💜

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