Chapter 11

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By noon we were already on the flight to Chicago. I still didn't understand why we were going in the first place. It was clear Cristiano didn't like Diavolo. Livianna was coming too. Maybe that was why he was so adamant on coming with. I still can't help but feel jealous of her. Sure Cristiano was married to me, but it was still definitely possible that they were still having an affair.

I sat next to him, while Diavolo and Livianna sat on another part of the plane. We've been flying for about 3 hours now, and Cristiano hasn't said one word to me. He's smoked more cigarettes than I can count, and definitely looks like he doesn't want to be here. Then why are we here? Why can't we just stay at the Villa, and have a few days to ourselves? He takes a puff off his cigarette, and when he breaths the smoke out it makes me want to die. I can't stand the smell of cigarettes. And he smoked so much, to the point it makes me sick.

He looks at me, and I try to hide my disgust.

"You don't smoke Giada?" He takes another puff.


"Good, these things will kill you." I look at him confused.

"T-then why..." He cuts me off and looks at me again.

"I don't know Giada. I'm addicted, and they lower my stress." He says in an annoyed tone. I need to stop bugging him.

"I'm sorry." Is all I can say. I genuinely feel bad for him. It's the one thing in his life he can't control. He looks at me surprised. He takes my hand and brings me a little closer. My cheek is pressed against his shoulder. For a while we stay like this. It's nice, it makes me feel like I'm in an actual relationship, and not married to a practical stranger. I need to ask him about breaking off Livianna's engagement. As much as I don't want to ruin this moment, I made a promise.

"Don, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"It's Livianna, I don't think she should marry Diavolo."

He looks at me, clearly surprised.

"And why is that Giada?" He says in an almost sarcastic tone.

"Because she doesn't want to. She'd be miserable." I say pleadingly.

He scoffs, before resting his head back against the seat, and he lets go of my hand.

"My decision is final, she's marrying him. I don't ever want to hear you question my choices again."

It's no use trying to argue. Unless if I wanted to be punished.

It's late when we finally land. By the time we arrive at the hotel my head feels heavy. I wanted to talk to Livianna, but she and Diavolo were riding in a different car. I had hardly seen her despite being on the same plane.

As soon as we get out of the car, guards surround us and Cristiano grabs onto my arm. As we walk into the hotel I spot Livianna and Diavolo. He's talking to her, but she's clearly uninterested. She sees me and gives me a discreet wave. I smile and nod at her. I feel Cristiano grip my arm a little tighter when he sees them, and he pulls me into an elevator. We have a guard with us, but Cristiano still clutches my arm tightly. He looks angry. When we get to our hotel room his mood doesn't seem much different. He shuts the door and finally lets go of my arm.

He pulls out his pack of cigarettes, but when he reaches for one it's empty. He sighs, and tosses the empty carton to the side. I just stare at him from across the room. I don't want to be around him when he's angry. He looks at me, and gets up.

Slowly he walks towards me. Oh. Suddenly it hits me that he probably wants sex. As much as I hate to admit it, it felt good last night. But I was too sore now. What if I said no? Would he rape me?

He cups my face with his hands, and presses his lips into mine. I give in, I can't help it. His tongue slides into my mouth, and brushes against mine. Suddenly he pushes me against the wall, and his hands descend down to my hips. His lips never leave mine. I feel one of his hands reach in between my thighs. Maybe I'm not as sore as I thought? I keep thinking, that is until his hand grips my sex. I let out a whimper of pain, breaking our kiss. I open my eyes and look up at Cristiano, he looks frustrated.

"Are you sore?" He asks me and grips my sex a little harder. I panic.

"N-no." I say, my voice wavering. Cristiano grabs my face harshly, the anger in his eyes is growing.

"Don't you lie to me." He says says in an almost violent tone. Tears start to fill my eyes, and I hesitantly nod my head. His expression softens, and he lets go of my face. He walks back over to the bed, and lays down. He seems stressed a lot lately. I feel bad, I want to help him, but I don't know how. I walk over to the bed and lay down next to him. For a while we just lay there in silence. I feel his hands reach around my waist and pull me against his chest. His chin rests in between my head and my shoulder, and his arms are wrapped around me.

I felt conflicted. I was happy we were becoming closer, but I couldn't handle the ups and downs of his emotions.

Cristiano holds me a little tighter, and lightly kisses my ear. I liked his gentleness. But I knew it wouldn't last.

short chapter again! sorry! make sure to vote, and comment! 💜💜💜

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