Chapter 8

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My eyes open, and my vision is blurred. My head is pounding. What happened? The last thing I can remember is going into the bathroom. When my vision is finally clear, I sit up and realize I'm still in our bedroom. Somehow I had ended up in our bed, even though I swear I was just in the bathroom.

"Don't get up too fast Gia." I turn my head to see Cristiano standing in the corner. He walks over to me holding a glass of water. That was the first time he had called me "Gia."

"You passed out last night. You're dehydrated, and you need to eat more." He hands me the glass of water.

"I'm sorry." I say, and take a sip.

"Why are you apologizing Gia? I'm just glad you didn't pass out in front of everyone at dinner last night." He sits on the bed. "Relax today, I have somewhere I need to be."

I look at the time, it's already 8:00 in the morning. I remember last night one of Cristiano's associates, Sergio, bringing up something that was happening today.

"Ok. I will." I smile at him and take another sip of water. He smiles back, and kisses me on the forehead. With that he leaves. I sit there for a while and ponder my feelings. Our relationship seemed to be progressing, even though we hadn't slept together. I didn't know when we were going to finally do it. The thought of him taking my virginity made me tingle, in both a good and a bad way. I hear a phone ring on the desk beside me. There's no way Cristiano would leave his here, so I assume it's mine. I pick it up and look at the caller ID. It's Livianna. I decide to answer.

"Hello?" I say in a slight whisper.

"Giada? It's Livianna, I was wondering if I could see you today? Soon."

"Sure. Cristiano isn't here though."

She scoffs.

"No offense to him but I couldn't care less about him right now."

"All right... I'll see you in a little while." I say puzzled. With that she hangs up. Last night Livianna had admitted to me she was in love with him. Now she didn't seem to care about him at all. She sounded worried over the phone. The fact that she was so desperate to see me in particular also confused me. I get out of bed slowly, I don't want to get up too fast.

I go into the bathroom, and when I look in the mirror, I realize I was still wearing the dress from last night. And take it off and toss it in a hamper, then I shower and decide to just keep things casual for today. Even though Livianna is coming over there is no point in dolling myself up. I don't feel like competing with her. I go downstairs where and head into the kitchen where I find Beatrice.

"Beatrice, Cristiano says I need to eat more. Could you make me something?"

She turns around and smiles at me.

"Of course, Mrs. Seratorre." She touches my shoulder affectionately and starts grabbing some stuff from the fridge. I feel very at home today. I'm getting so used to life here. Beatrice makes me some breakfast and I eat as much as I can. I don't feel like passing out again. Not long after that there's a knock at the door. I head to the door and a guard opens it for me. It's Livianna. She looks better than she did last night. But she still looks miserable. I feel for her. She walks through the door and immediately embraces me.

"I need to speak with you. Alone." She says, and grabs my hands. The guard starts to tense up, but I nod at him that everything is ok. I take her hand and walk us upstairs and take her to Cristiano and I's bedroom. We sit on the edge of the bed, and she starts to cry.

"Livianna, what's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"I want out Giada. I need out of this life. I can't marry Diavolo!" She says as the tears start to flow.

I put my hand on her shoulder.

"I want to help you, but you know you can't leave. Once your in the mafia there is only one way out." I say. And she starts to bawl.

"I didn't choose this! I was born into it! You were too! It's not fair! My parents are refusing to let me break off the engagement."

Tears start to well in my eyes. She's right. Neither of us chose this life. I used to think about running away all the time right after my parents died. But it's impossible. I've learned to just accept things for how they are. And now Livianna has to as well.

"Livianna we have to be strong. We have no choice."

She looks at me with her pleading eyes, and a ray of hope seems to grow across her face.

"Wait. You can ask Cristiano to make Diavolo break it off! Giada please! He's my only hope! And he cares about me he'll do it! All you have to do is ask!"

She gets on her knees in front of me and grabs my hands. "Please Gia! Please!" I can't say no to her. All I had to do was ask.

"All right Livianna. I will." I say with a sigh. She jumps up and hugs me.

"Thank you Gia! Thank you! And call me Liv from now on. We're friends."

I can't help but smile and nod. I actually had a friend now. Although I didn't think I'd ever be friends with my husbands former mistress, I'd take what I can get. She hugs me again, and I walk her back downstairs. After she leaves I am approached by Beatrice, and 3 other guards. Beatrice looks concerned.

"Donna, you need to come with us for your protection. Now." Beatrice says to me. She never calls me "Donna." This is serious.

"O-ok. What's going on?" I ask her.

"The Don has been attacked. We need to make sure you're safe Donna." One of the guards answers. My heart drops. Was Cristiano hurt. Was he dead? I follow them upstairs. And they lead me to our bedroom. Beatrice takes my arm.

"Giada, you need to stay in here for now. The guards will keep watch of your door, if you need anything knock at the door twice. Do you understand?" She says sternly. I nod and walk into my bedroom and the door shuts behind me. Beatrice was terrified. That's why she was being so serious. Something horrible must have happened. Even though I barely knew him, my heart broke when I thought that he might be dead. It had only been 4 days since the wedding and we had already been attacked. I laid down on the bed and started to cry. This is how life was going to be from now on. Even though I didn't choose it, this is my life. Until I die.

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