he can't be dead| D.S

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Derek is supposed to come home today from working with the president. You and the kids were rushing out of the house, so you hear your phone ringing in your bag.
" Come on Zola grab your coat" You say grabbing bailey.

* At the hospital*

" You hear from derek yet?!" Amelia asks walking into the OR with you beside her.
" No but he should be at the airport by here" you saying on your gloves.

* Derek's pov*

" ARE YOU GUYS OKAY?" Derek asks running to the flipped over car
" Is my daughter okay??" The lady in the front asks
" Ok I'll be right back let me check" you say checking to the rear end
" Hi sweetheart are you okay?" You asks the young child in the back seat
" Am I dead?" The child asks
" No your not dead" you say with a chuckle

You move back to the the front of the car.
" Okay where does it hurt" you asks inspecting her with a pen you found
" I can't feel my legs!! Am I going to be paralyzed??" The women asks frantically.
" Idk but I need to get you out of this car" derek say looking around
" I'll be right back I have to check on the other car" derek says looking at the lady's eyes
" Your leaving me?!?!" The lady asks kind of worried
" I'll be right back I promise" you say climbing down.

You run to car and inspect it but find nobody.
" Hello is anybody here" I ask looking around
" Help, help, somebody help me please" you hear a girl say behind some bush's
" Ok I'm coming what's your name" you ask the young lady
" Samantha, samantha seman" the young lady says
" Ok samantha I need you to stand up for me" you asks the young lady

* Sorry I watched this episode like 2 weeks so I don't remember their name but I'll just give them names myself. Also I'm going to do the hospital shooting next so be ready, is it bad I can't remember his name oh well back to the story sorry*

" I should be at school, where's charlie??" Samantha says dusting off her legs
" Who?" You ask
" This boy that asked me to let him drive me to school today, how could I be so stupid my dad's going to kill me" samantha says looking around for gods know what.
" Ok stay right here while I go find Charlie" you say walking down the road
" CHARLIE" you yell at the boy you see with blood coming out of his head
" Where am i? Who are you?? " Charlie asks looking around
" We need to walk back to your car where samantha is" you say walking to the car
You guys walk to the car and see samantha pacing around
" Come on we have to go back to the people in the other car" you say walking back
" RUN" you say just before the car explodes

* After the ambulance comes*
* I cut I short because I'm sure you guys just want to get to the part where we find so here we go*

You walk back your car and look for your phone

* Honnnnnnkkkkkkkkk*

* Back to your pov*

*Knock knock*

" Is this the residents of derek shepherd"
An officer asks
" Yes I'm his wife" you say
" I need you come with u ma'am" the officer says looking into the house above your head
" I can't do that I have two kids" you says looking at bailey sleeping on the couch
" Bring them with" the officer says looking at his partner

* Back at the hospital*

" We are so sorry for your lose we did everything we could" a female doctor with red hair says with a bald man with his scrub cap still on his head on
" Chart" you say holding out your hand
She hands you the chart and you flip threw it
" Why didn't you do a head ct" you ask looking at the doctor's that just killed your husband and the father of your father
" There's was no time" the redheaded girl says
" Ok doctor... Penny " you say pushing past them

* A few hours later*

The doctor approaches you with papers in his
" Mrs.shepard" the doctor starts
" It's Dr. Y/n grey, and I know this part, you want to sign those papers, y- you want me to let you KILL my husband or save what's left of him, you need the bed for other icu patients" you your voice breaking
" Ma'am" the doctor begans
" GIVE ME THE DAMN PAPERS" you yell taking the papers out of his hands
" Let's hope you don't make me the same mistake with this patient" you say aggressively signing the papers

* Skip to when you get back o the hospital*

You walk into the elevator with tears in your eyes, you get off at the fifth floor you walk into the room with callie, christina, bailey, arizona, and owen.
" So what are you doing tonight" callie begans
" I was thinking about making spaghetti tonight" christina says
" I didn't find you as the spaghetti type" bailey says laughing
" Then what is my type" christina asks
" Pizza with pineapples" bailey straighting up some files
" That's nasty" christina says laughing along with caliie, arizona, and bailey
You just stand there comprehending about what your about to say
" Derek's dead" you say in a whisper that nobody can hear
" Derek's dead" you say slightly loud
" D-dereks dead" you say nearly close to your normal voice
" What?" Owen asks
" What did you just say" bailey says looking at you at you
" DEREKS DEAD" you yell
" What do you mean Derek's dead" owen asks
" He's dead I just came back from the hospital" you say with tears pouring out out of your eyes
" Did you tell amelia yet" owen asks
" No but I might as well do it" you say collecting yourself

* In the OR ' wash room' *

" I have to talk to you" you say to amelia
" I'm kind of busy" amelia says washing her hands
" Out" you say to the edwards
" Ok fine what is- who died" amelia asks
" How di-" you get cut off by amelia
" That look, who died I can take it" amelia says
" Derek" you says crying you look into the or and see edwards crying into callie's shoulders looking into the glass
" O-ok" amelia says before breaking down into tears.

*I kind of changed it because I didn't like how meridith didn't tell amelia and how amelia didn't have a reaction when owen told her, I hope you guys like this one it's definitely one of my longer works but I just couldn't stop until I got it just right. I'm sorry if you cried but I did and I chose silence by marshmello and Khalid because meridith has been through a lot so I chose this because she needs someone who won't die and who will love her for eternity 😔, love you guys *

                Word count: 1162

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