" I'm not killing it you kill it"| A.K

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* not about a person but a spider,but still I don't care if it's small I'm not killing it I'm running 👍🏼😚, it low-key short so yeah*

Me and Alex were in the lounge talking about this kid that had a massive tumor in his heart.

" It's like the size of a apple" alex say bitting into his apple

" That's big for a kid his age" I say looking at him with the ' wtf he's only 5 face '

"Mhm" he hums in response.

Next thing I know I see a black and brown spider in the table

" Omg! OMG! It's a spider" I yell running to the door

" WHAT! Nope I can't do this right now" Alex says trying to make his way towards me while also trying not to alert the spider, next thing we know it starts JUMPING

Oh hell no I would just burn down the hospital at this point

" AHHHH!" alex screams like a 8 year old girl when she sees Justin bieber

" KILL IT ALEX" I yell

" IM NOT KILLING IT YOU KILL IT" alex yells back at me

Your right by the door y/n just walk out

" NO!" I yell back, we start to get into a fight about who should kill it

" What the hell is going on in here" bailey asks in a angry, serious, but questionable tone

We all love a strong women 😃

" There a spider on the table" I say trying to catch my breath

" Y'all are supposed to be DOCTORS you should kill a spider and think of it as a fly, come on!!" Bailey kinda yells hitting the spider with her heal and walking out

" Y'all ArE sUpPoSeD tO bE dOcTorS" I mock her walking out of the room as I here Alex snicker behind me

Word count: 330

* Spiders scare me I can just imagine my kids telling me to kill a spider, like chile- your a big girl go do yourself*

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