I have to go find him mer pt2

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Requests for aizah_jiwani

This is your warning I you do not like blood or anything of the sort please skip this one.

" Okay okay" christina says
As soon as gary leaves meridith runs to owen and you just sit there crying.
" Y/n please stop crying" christina says plugging back in the heart monitor
" Please tell me he's going to be okay" you ask
" Well if you don't stop rushing me maybe he won't" christina says obviously annoyed
" That's not very nice" a nurse says
" No no she's right I'll go find lexie,alex, and mark" you say walking out
" Y-" christina begans
" Damn" christina says to herself

* In the hallway*

" Y/n" you hear someone say crying you turn your head and see miranda, charles, and a patient. You run over o them and see charles lying dead bleeding out.
" Omg charles" you say running your hand in his hair
" I know you two got along better than everybody who was from mercy west I'm so sorry we did everything we could" meredith says
" No it's okay have you seen lexie,mark,or alex?" You ask your crying director in front of you
" No" miranda says
You walk away from them to go find at least one of your friends. As you were walking past the conference room you heard talking so being the stupid bitch you are you walked in.
" Omg alex" you saying running to him
" Good we need you to help us get the bullet out" mark says looking at Lexie
You take the clamps and go digging for the bullet.
" Found it" you say taking out the bullet
" We need to get him out of here" Lexie says to you and mark
" Yeah let's try and get him out" you say looking out the door
" It's clear come hurry" you say to mark who has alex on a gurney. You guys to walk when you hear a noise.
" Stop" you say to your friends you look and see gary going around the corner
" Okay okay go" you say to mark as you book out the door, as you guys get out the hospital you see so many people and police cars.
" Stop right there who are y'all" a police officer says
" we're doctors in the hospital" mark says
" Okay hurry over to the ambulance" a police officer says
" No I have to go back for my other friends" you say running back into the hospital
" Stop no you can't go back into there" an officer says
" Just let her go" another officer says
As you run into the hospital, some many things are running through your head
Am I doing the right thing? Should I risk my life to save my friends? What am I thinking of course because I love them to much to lose them!
You run into the OR and see them just finishing up
" We need to get out if here now" you say to the people now looking at you
" We're right behind you" christina says you lead them out of the hospital and into the ambulance.
" We got the suspect" an officer says
" We're finally out of that mess" you say under your breath
" I'm sorry about what I said in there" christina says rubbing the back of her neck
" It's okay I know I was a pain in the the ass" you say laughing with Cristina

* Thank you guys so much for 1.19k view it means so much hope you liked this pt 2. Love you guys and stay safe*

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